
admin2020-08-17  33

问题     惠子谓庄子曰:“魏王贻我大瓠之种,我树之成而实五石。以盛水浆,其坚不能自举也。剖之以为瓢,则瓠落无所容。非不呺然大也,我为其无用而掊之。”庄子曰:“夫子固拙于用大矣。宋人有善为不龟手之药者,世世以洴澼絖为事。客闻之,请买其方百金。聚族而谋曰:“我世世为洴澼絖,不过数金;今一朝而鬻技百金,请与之。”客得之,以说吴王。越有难,吴王使之将,冬与越人水战,大败越人,裂地而封之。能不龟手,一也;或以封,或不免于洴澼絖,则所用之异也。今子有五石之瓠,何不虑以为大樽而浮乎江湖,而忧其瓠落无所容?则夫子犹有蓬之心也夫!”


答案 Value Depends on Your Perspective and Horizon A gourd was considered as useless by Huizi for he thought it was too fragile to hold water and too shallow to function as a container, so he dropped it. In the eyes of Zhuangzi, however, the same gourd became a useful floater attached to one’s waist, serving to help and accompany a pilgrim to visit and explore different places, so he appreciated it. Similarly, a prescription preventing hands from frostbite in the winter was just a simple medicine for low-income laundrymen. But a wise man offered it to a king whose country was at war. Then, it made a great contribution to the victory and thus this man was rewarded with land and gold. Through these two stories, we can penetrate one truth, that is, when a person judges people’s or things’ value, his or her perspective and horizon count a lot. Why different standpoints and visions will lead us to different or even opposite destinations, when we are facing the same thing? Fundamentally, this is because any individual and object, as an independent entity, has multiple values. Let’s imagine a scene of how we use a thing normally. First, we are confronted with a problem. Then we started to search for things that can be used to help us. Now, one point worth paying close attention to is, due to the specific situation we are in, whether we are conscious or not, our minds are restricted to one particular and concrete aspect, which means that we are very likely to forget or even ignore the other values of this object. In reality, we have a name for this kind of mindset, namely, fixed thinking patterns. Trapping in this narrow vision may cause some negative consequences. As what Pascal said, man is a reed that thinks. For individuals, this narrow vision will undermine the development of our thinking ability. However, as it is known to us all, the outlook is the cornerstone to keep a foothold in the society. Therefore, broadening our horizons is necessary. Society and countries may also be affected if this trend becomes a phenomenon generally existing. If our society only concentrates on short-term profit, no one can be cul-tivated in the right way, no progress can be made in the long term. A whole nation’s value orientation will be warped completely. There is nothing worse than that! The above explanation and discussion told us that we must think twice before a conclusion is drawn, especially, when it concerns about whether an object is valuable or not. When you open your eyes, and consider it in another stance, there is a great possibility that you find a totally opposite result. And this kind of mindset will benefit us a lot. For example, in education area, we would not recognize a student as a top student or a problematic one just like we conventionally did. Instead, we are going to find every student’s interest and shining point, and guide them accordingly. When it comes to some scientific and environmental issues, we can study and innovate new techniques efficiently to use some resources rather than abandoning them just because they are useless for now. The story of Huizi and Zhuangzi tells a fact: we should do our best to broaden our horizon because it determines whether we can discover the hidden value in a particular thing.

