Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the drawing, 2) interpret its m

admin2010-02-22  69

问题     Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should
    1) describe the drawing,
    2) interpret its meaning, and
    3) give your point of view.
    You should write about 160-200 words neatly.


答案 As is vividly revealed in the drawing above, those fancy flowers seem to be arresting, but if observing closely, one may realize the flowers will not last long, for they are rootless and have no necessary nutrition. The common social phenomenon indica

解析     对于图画作文而言,在仔细分析图画内容及寓意后,其实文章结构并不难把握。一种好的选择是:第一段描述图画,第二段对绘画者的意图进行推测,第三段对第二段做进一步说明,第四段下结论。这里面最重要的是第二段与第三段的关系。通常的情况是前一段就事论事或泛泛而论后一段进行概括总结、提炼升华。比如这篇图画,图中所画是无土之花,而装花的容器却是一张卷着的稿纸,可见这里实际想描述的是虚而不实的所谓成果。带着这个理解去审视现实生活,可发现象这样的情形早已是屡见不鲜。学术界的一些人表现出对知识的不尊重,知识不再被当作评估的唯一客观标准。相反,为了追求商业利润和个人利益,一些人利用所谓的学术成果以达到自己的目的。越来越多的人不顾自己真实的知识水平,滥竽充数,这也表明我们民族引以骄傲的宝贵品质:诚实和谦虚正在丧失。
