从历史上看,汉族没有统一的宗教。汉族人的神很多,大致可以分为三类。 一类是古代的神,他们都有明确的职责,如掌管宇宙的玉皇大帝,掌管吃喝和一家祸福的灶神,掌管雨水的龙王,象征长寿的南极寿星。 第二类神是吸收了其他宗教的神而来的,如佛教的如来、

admin2020-02-10  16

问题     从历史上看,汉族没有统一的宗教。汉族人的神很多,大致可以分为三类。


答案 Historically, the Han people did not have a common religion. They worshiped more than one god, mainly of three kinds: One kind was the gods of ancient times, each of whom had their own power and responsibilities to perform. For example, the Jade Emperor was in charge of the entire universe, the Kitchen God of food, drinks, happiness and misfortunes, the Dragon King of rain and floods, and the South-Pole Star of Longevity was symbolic of long lives. Another kind was from different religions, such as Tathagata, Maitreya and the Guanyin Bodhisattva from Buddhism, and the Supreme Old Lord and General Zhao from Taoism. The Supreme Old Lord was actually Laozi, a famous philosopher of the ancient Spring and Autumn Times. General Zhao, however, was worshiped as the God of Wealth. The third kind was historical or legendary people, including skilled people in certain trades.

解析 背景介绍
-  如掌管宇宙的玉皇大帝,掌管吃喝和一家祸福的灶神,掌管雨水的龙王,象征长寿的南极寿星:  “玉皇大帝”可译为the Jade Emperor;  “灶神”译为the Kitchen God;“龙王”译为the Dragon King;“南极寿星”译为the South-Pole Star of Longevity;  “掌管”一词第一次出现时,译为was in charge of,而紧随其后的几个“掌管”可以省译为of,参考译文:For example,the Jade Emperor was in charge of the entire universe,the Kitchen God of food,drinks,happiness and misfortunes,the Dragon King of rain and floods,and the South-Pole Star of Longevity was symbolic of long lives.
-  第二类神是吸收了其他宗教的神而来的,如佛教的如来、弥勒、观音:这里出现的“如来”、  “弥勒”、  “观音”都是引自佛教,故应采用回译的方法,保留其原有的表达方式。参考译文:Another kind was from different religions,such as Tathagata,Maitreya and the Guanyin Bodhisattva from Buddhism.
-  至于赵公元帅,老百姓把他供作财神:  “供作财神”表现了老百姓对赵公元帅的崇敬之情,因此,“供”可译为worship,可采用被动形式。参考译文:General Zhao,however,was worshiped as the God of Wealth.
-  第三类是历史或传说中的名人,也包括能工巧匠:此处出现的成语“能工巧匠”指在特定领域工艺技术高超的人,故可译为:The third kind was historical or legendary people,including skilled people in certain trades.
