Life, like science and art, is a theory about the world: a theory that in our case takes bodily form. By a succession of adaptat

admin2015-11-27  49

问题 Life, like science and art, is a theory about the world: a theory that in our case takes bodily form. By a succession of adaptations, most of which are favourable and none of which are lethal, living things have invested in particular expectations about the future course of their environments.   If those theories are good enough, then life will prosper and multiply; but if they are outmoded by changing conditions, their embodiments will dwindle and perish.
Science and art are two things most uniquely human. They witness to a desire to see beyond the seen. They display the crowning successes of the objective and subjective views of the world. But while they spring from a shared source—the careful observation of things—they evoke different theories about the world; what it means, what its inner connections truly are, and what we should judge as important.
Science and art have diverged. As science became more successful in its quest to explain the seen by unseen laws of Nature, so art became increasingly subjective, metaphorical, and divorced from realistic representation.


答案 如果这些理论成立,那么生命就会生生不息,繁荣昌盛;但是,一旦生物跟不上环境条件的变化,就会没落消亡。 科学与艺术是人类最独特的创造。此二者,是人类试图超越现有视野的明证。它们也是人类对世界的客观和主观认识的最高成就。然而,虽然科学与艺术的来源相同——二者都是基于对事物的仔细观察——但它们所激发的关于外部世界的理论,却截然不同。这些理论包括外部世界的含义,其内在的联系以及我们应如何判断外部世界的主次。 科学与艺术自此分野。科学力图通过看不见的自然法则来解释肉眼可见的各种现象,并在这一方面取得了较大成功;艺术则变得更加主观、富于隐喻性质,并逐渐脱离了现实主义的表现手法。

解析 1.画线部分第一段的用词较为华丽,prosper and multiply可以翻译成成语“生生不息,繁荣昌盛”;their embodiments指的是the embodiments of life,可直接译为“生物”,而dwindle andperish指的是“这些生物会没落消亡”。
2.画线部分第二段第一句中,most uniquely human可译为“人类最独特的”。
3.画线部分第二段第二句中的beyond the seen指的是“超越现有视野”。
7.画线部分第三段最后一句可以分为两个对比鲜明的意群,解释了科学与艺术本质的不同。其中,the seen指的是“肉眼可见的各种现象”;divorced from意为“从……中脱离”。
