设计任务:请参考人教版初中英语九年级全一册Unit 2 I used to be afraiod of the dark.一课SECTION A部分的语言素材,设计一节听说课的教学方案。 学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校初中三年级的学生,班级人数为40人

admin2016-08-31  35

问题 设计任务:请参考人教版初中英语九年级全一册Unit 2 I used to be afraiod of the dark.一课SECTION A部分的语言素材,设计一节听说课的教学方案。


答案Teaching objectives 1.Knowledge and skill objectires Learn words of appearance and personality. Learn to talk about what you used to be like to do. 2. Process and methods objectives Listening: To train students’ pronunciation and intonation by listening to and imitating the tape. To improve student’s listening ability and the ability to capture specific information through listening to the tape about a student in a foreign high school. Learn how to interview celebrities or big shots. Speaking: By showing pictures on the courseware, have the students ask each other what they used to be like and write them down. Make a summary in a group and talk about the similarities. 3. Emotion, attitudes and values objectives According to students’ practice, using courseware and adopting topics of students’ common interests to guide students to work with others positively. Step I Organization of class 1. Greeting 2. Warming up Step II Presentation 1. Words Competition Show the class many words of appearance and personality. Get them to put the words in the right place. 2. Guess: Who is the boy? Show the class some information about Harry Potter: This is a boy. He is not tall. He has curly hair. He is easygoing. He is very smart. He can see strange things and so on. 3. Show two photos of the teacher——five years ago/now. Ask the students some questions; What did I look like five years ago? What do I look like now? Step III Teaching Tasks 1. Task One(Pair work): Listening to the tape (1)Show the students two pictures and say something about the people in the picture. (2)Listen to the tape. Then fill in the blanks in lb. 2. Task Two(Group work): Describing different persons (1)Show the students a set of pictures, such as a movie star, a sportsman, a teacher. (2)Get the students to discuss in groups and take notes, such as: Jacky Chan used to have big eyes, but now he has small eyes. (3)Ask two or three groups to present their answers. (4)Which is the best group? 3. Task Three(team work): Survey (1)Ask the students to bring two photos of themselves to class. (2)Get the students to talk about the changes of their classmates and write down the key words in the form. (3)Let the team leader present their survey results. (4)Who has changed most in your team? (5)Which is the best team? Step IV Assign homework Write a composition about one of your classmates before and now.

