Today the ancient, ancestral wisdom of the hand has been largely replaced by the simple movement of the machine operator. Our gl

admin2010-07-19  53

问题     Today the ancient, ancestral wisdom of the hand has been largely replaced by the simple movement of the machine operator. Our glass and china, furniture, books, and textiles are almost entirely products of the machine. That machine-made goods can be well-designed and good-looking no one now denies; nevertheless, there are many who believe that if the old skills of hand-workers were to die out altogether, it would be a disaster.
   Their arguments are, roughly, three. First, that the machine is by its nature a mass producer, and that objects made in ones and twos can be made better, even cheaper, by an individual craftsman than by a machine; secondly, that the human hand with relatively simple tools can produce objects of a quality permanently beyond the reach of the machine; thirdly, that it is not good for mankind if people lost the ability to create with their hands.


答案 当今,许多古老的传统手工技艺已为机器操作工的简单操作所代替。我们用的玻璃、瓷器、家具、簿本、纺织品已经几乎全是机器的产物。机制品可以做到设计精良、外观精美,这一点谁也不会否认;然而,许多人认为如果手工技艺完全失传,那就会是个大灾难。 这种认识理由大致有三。第一,机器生产本质上是批量生产;如果某样物品只生产了一两件,那么,由某个能工巧匠用手工制作会比由机器生产质优价廉。第二,人使用相对简单的工具手工制作的物品,其质量往往是机制品所无法企及的。第三,如果失去了用手进行创造的能力,对人类是不利的。

解析    原文是议论文;谈手工劳动和机器操作:要求两段全译。
