Passage One (1) He had allowed her to free herself; and in a minute or two the milking of each was resumed. Nobody had behe

admin2022-09-07  89

问题     Passage One
    (1)  He had allowed her to free herself; and in a minute or two the milking of each was resumed. Nobody had beheld the gravitation of the two into one; and when the dairyman came round by that screened nook a few minutes later there was not a sign to reveal that the markedly sundered pair were more to each other than mere acquaintance. Yet in the interval since Crick’s last view of them something had occurred which changed the pivot of the universe for their two natures; something which, had he known its quality, the dairyman would have despised, as a practical man; yet which was based upon a more stubborn and resistless tendency than a whole heap of so-called practicalities. A veil had been whisked aside; the tract of each one’s outlook was to have a new horizon thenceforward—for a short time or for a long.
    (2)  Clare, restless, went out into the dusk when evening drew on, she who had won him having retired to her chamber.
    (3)  The night was as sultry as the day. There was no coolness after dark unless on the grass. Roads, garden-paths, the house-fronts, the barton-walls were warm as hearths, and reflected the noontide temperature into the noctambulist’s (梦游者) face.
    (4)  He sat on the east gate of the dairy-yard, and knew not what to think of himself. Feeling had indeed smothered judgment that day.
    (5)  Since the sudden embrace, three hours before, the twain had kept apart. She seemed stilled, almost alarmed, at what had occurred, while the novelty, unpremeditation, mastery of circumstance disquieted him— palpitating, contemplative being that he was. He could hardly realize their true relations to each other as yet, and what their mutual bearing should be before third parties thenceforward.
    (6)  Angel had come as pupil to this dairy in the idea that his temporary existence here was to be the merest episode in his life, soon passed through and early forgotten; he had come as to a place from which as from a screened alcove (凹室) he could calmly view the absorbing world without, and, apostrophizing it with Walt Whitman—Crowds of men and women attired in the usual costumes, how curious you are to me! —resolve upon a plan for plunging into that world anew. But, behold, the absorbing scene had been imported hither. What had been the engrossing world had dissolved into an uninteresting outer dumb-show; while here, in this apparently dim and un-impassioned place, novelty had volcanically started up, as it had never, for him, started up elsewhere.
    (7)  Every window of the house being open Clare could hear across the yard each trivial sound of the retiring household. That dairy-house, so humble, so insignificant, so purely to him a place of constrained sojourn (逗留 ) that he had never hitherto deemed it of sufficient importance to be reconnoitred as an object of any quality whatever in the landscape; what was it now? The aged and lichened (长满苔藓的) brick gables breathed forth "Stay!" The windows smiled, the door coaxed and beckoned, the creeper blushed confederacy.   A personality within it was so far-reaching in her influence as to spread into and make the bricks,  mortar,  and whole overhanging sky throb with a burning sensibility.  Whose was this mighty personality? A milkmaid’s.
    (8)  It was amazing, indeed, to find how great a matter the life of the obscure dairy had become to him. And though new love was to be held partly responsible for this it was not solely so. Many besides Angel have learnt that the magnitude of lives is not as to their external displacements, but as to their subjective experiences. The impressionable peasant leads a larger, fuller, more dramatic life than the pachydermatous king. Looking at it thus he found that life was to be seen of the same magnitude here as elsewhere.
    (9)  Despite his heterodoxy (异端邪说), faults, and weaknesses, Clare was a man with a conscience. Tess was no insignificant creature to toy with and dismiss; but a woman living her precious life—a life which, to herself who endured or enjoyed it, possessed as great a dimension as the life of the mightiest to himself. Upon her sensations the whole world depended to Tess; through her existence all her fellow-creatures existed, to her. The universe itself only came into being for Tess on the particular day in the particular year in which she was born.
    (10)   This consciousness upon which he had intruded was the single opportunity of existence ever vouchsafed (赐予) to Tess by an unsympathetic First Cause (造物主)—her all; her every and only chance. How then should he look upon her as of less consequence than himself; as a pretty trifle to caress and grow weary of; and not deal in the greatest seriousness with the affection which he knew that he had awakened in her— so fervid and so impressionable as she was under her reserve; in order that it might not agonize and wreck her?
    (11)  To encounter her daily in the accustomed manner would be to develop what had begun. Living in such close relations, to meet meant to fall into endearment (爱抚); flesh and blood could not resist it; and, having arrived at no conclusion as to the issue of such a tendency, he decided to hold aloof for the present from occupations in which they would be mutually engaged. As yet the harm done was small. But it was not easy to carry out the resolution never to approach her.  He was driven towards her by every heave of his pulse.
    (12)  He thought he would go and see his friends. It might be possible to sound them upon this. In less than five months his term here would have ended, and after a few additional months spent upon other farms he would be fully equipped in agricultural knowledge, and in a position to start on his own account. Would not a farmer want a wife, and should a farmer’s wife be a drawing-room wax-figure, or a woman who understood farming? Notwithstanding the pleasing answer returned to him by the silence he resolved to go his journey.
What can be concluded about Angel from Para. 6?

选项 A、He was an apprentice in the cattle farm.
B、He planned to stay in the farm for a long time.
C、He was drawn to the intriguing outside world.
D、He had a brand new experience in the farm.


解析 推断题。文章第六段最后一句提到,曾经如此吸引人的外面世界变成了索然无味的哑剧;而在这个表面上黯淡无光并缺乏激情的地方,新奇的事情却像火山一样喷发出来,而这种事情对他而言,在其他地方从未发生过。根据上下文可知该句中的here指的就是奶场,由此可以推断安杰尔在奶场经历了一种全新的体验,而且外界对于他来说不再有趣,故[D]为答案,同时排除[C]。该段第一句第一个分句直接提到安杰尔来到这个奶场当学徒,无须推断,故排除[A];且该句提到安杰尔以为他在奶场的短暂停留只不过是他人生中的一段插曲,不久就过去了,很快就忘记了,后一个分句也指出安杰尔计划重新回到外面的世界,由此可知安杰尔并没有打算在农场停留很长时间,故排除[B]。
