
admin2017-03-02  48

问题 F汽车公司成立于1980年,自诞生之日起,在汽车研发和技术创新方面就一直是领先者,并且这种创新精神一直激励着F公司所有员工。F汽车公司一直致力于环保领域新型汽车的研发,并成为全球数一数二的替代燃料汽车生产商。F汽车公司将环保技术用于所生产的汽车上,其所有的运动型多功能车,皮卡和福特稳达微型厢式车都已达到了低排放汽车的标准。F汽车公司同时还在探索减少尾气甚至无尾气排放的新技术,开发出了各种新型环保车。早在1998年,F汽车公司就推出了燃料电池概念车。


答案(1)研发定位的类型包括:①成为向市场推出新技术产品的企业;②成为成功产品的创新模仿者;③成为成功产品的低成本生产者。该公司在汽车研发和技术创新方面就一直是领先者,所以属于成为向市场推出新技术产品的企业。 (2)开展研发活动需关注的主要风险包括:①研究项目未经科学论证或论证不充分,可能导致创新不足或资源浪费。②研发人员配备不合理或研发过程管理不善,可能导致研发成本过高、舞弊或研发失败。③研究成果转化应用不足、保护措施不力,可能导致企业利益受损。 (3)该公司的销售增长率大于可持续增长率,属于现金短缺;投资资本回报率大于资本成本,增加企业价值。所以属于第一象限的增值型现金短缺。 起初,应判明这种高速增长是暂时性的还是长期性的。如果高速增长是暂时的,企业应通过借款来筹集所需资金,等到销售增长率下降后企业会有多余现金归还借款。如果预计这种情况会持续较长时间.不能用短期周转借款来解决,则企业必须采取战略性措施解决资金短缺问题。长期性高速增长的资金问题有两种解决途径:一是提高可持续增长率,使之向销售增长率靠拢,方法包括提高经营效率和改变财务政策;二是增加权益资本,提高增长所需的资金,方法包括增发股份和兼并成熟企业。 English answer: (1)The types of orientation of research and development include:①becoming the enter prise which launch new products and new technology to the market;②becoming an imitator with innovative idea to simulate the successful new products;③becoming low cost manufacturer for the successful new products.In automotive research and development and technical innovation,the company has been a leader,thus,it belongs to the enterprise which promotes new products to the market. (2)The main risks that should be focused on research and development activities include: ①the research project are not or inadequate demonstral ed,it may leads tO the lack of innovation and wasting resource.②It exists non—reasonable research and development staff or the imperfection management during research process,it may lead to higher research and development cost,fraud or research and development failure.③The research and development result has inadequate transformation and application,lack protection measures,it may damage the interest of enterprise. (3)The company’s sales growth rate is larger than sustainable growth rate.it belongs to cash shortage;the return on capital employed is greater than the cost of capital,increases the value of enterprise.Thus,it belongs to the first quartile which is value-added cash shortage. At first,this rapid growth should be j ustified that it is temporary or long—term growth.If the rapid growth is temporary growth,the company can finance the capital needed by using borrowing.After the sales growth rate decline,the company has extra cash to return back the loan.If this situation is predicted to retain for the long time,the short—term borrowing turnover cannot be used to resolve problem,the enterprise need adopt the strategy meas ures to resolve capital shortage problem.The capital of long—term rapid growth problem has two ways to resolve it:the first one is that improve the sustainable development rate, making it close to the sales growth rate,the method includes operating efficiency im provement and accounting policy change.The second one is that increase the interest capital,improve the capital amount which the growth needed,the methods include shares issuing and acquisition of mature enterprise.

