My Views On Piracy (1)目前世界各国盗版猖獗。 (2)盗版产品带来的危害。 (3)你的看法。

admin2016-02-04  62

问题 My Views On Piracy


答案My Views On Piracy Piracy, or counterfeiting, has become a worldwide plague nowadays. The most commonly counterfeited products are software programs, CDs, CD-Roms, video cassettes, books, watches and designer clothes. Now, counterfeiting has developed into a multi-billion-dollar industry. Piracy leads to serious social problems. First, it infringes upon the intellectual property rights of the creators of a certain products. Without any investment in terms of both money and efforts, those who want to make big profit simply need to reproduce the products. This will inevitably dampen the creativity and initiatives of the authors. Worst of all, pirates can market copied products at far lower prices than the originals, since they don’t have to pay the cost of creating or advertising the product. As a result, the copyright industries, mainly the manufacturers of software and video games, publishing, record companies, the cinema, and television, lost billions of money. This may greatly endanger the healthy development of these industries and economy in general. In my opinion, counterfeiting has a lot to do with economic conditions of a country. If a country is much richer, people there won’t choose cheap pirated products that are usually of poor quality. Also, legal consciousness should be strengthened among the public. When every citizen consciously boycotts the use of counterfeited products, there will be no profits for this industry. And the piracy of cultural products will pass off.

解析     文章围绕提纲的要点,通过描写盗版范围之广、利润之高来说明盗版猖獗的现象。文章第二段作为全文的主体段落,在语言表达上准确,内容安排上具体而充实。仔细分析第二段,不难发现作者在论述中不仅分析了盗版问题造成的实质性危害——侵犯了知识产权;使正版业蒙受损失——还进一步评论了这种现象可能会引起的更深层次上的负面效果——打击了作者的创作热情,影响了国民经济的健康发展。这样的内容安排使文章具有一定的深度和广度,深化了全文的主题。
