A、To gradually eliminate these programs. B、To show the media their standpoint. C、To control their children in watching TV. D、To

admin2021-09-29  18

W: Professor Wilson, do you think that children nowadays are naughtier than we used to be?
M: Well, it’s really depending. Children in the big cities perhaps tend to be naughty.
W: I agree with you. I wonder why!
M: Do you know that it’s mostly caused by television?
W: You can say that. Television watching promotes violence, unsafe practices, and eating disorders in children. According to a report, the average American child spends approximately 28 hours per week watching television. Isn’t it too long?
M: Definitely. Imagine by the time a child reaches the age of 18, how many murders and other acts of violence will they have seen? Oh, my God!
W: To make things worse, American media is the most violent in the world; 80% of American television programs contain violence. But I notice sometimes children who don’t like watching TV are also naughty.
M: They are influenced by our hostile environment. Children are still unstable, and they are changeable.
W: What is the best tiling parents can do to stop violence on TV?
M: I think it’s rather hard to stop violence on TV, because children today have much more freedom and chance to watch TV anywhere and anytime as well. Moreover, the media itself often concern more about profit rather than quality.
W: Sounds so disappointing.
M: Parents must have a good communication with children and make them understand the harm of watching violence, and children need to be controlled in watching TV.
W: I agree with you. But how can we at least eliminate bad TV programs, because I believe that parents can’t control children all day long, right?
M: Start from ourselves, don’t watch uneducated programs, if possible, tell friends or relatives not to watch them either. By doing so, hopefully the rating of the programs will be low, and in turn, TV station will not broadcast low rate programs.
W: You’re right. Children look up to us as role models. We should do our best to change the situation. Thank you, Professor Wilson. Glad to have you here.
M: My pleasure.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5.Why do children in the big cities tend to be naughty according to the man?
6.How can watching television influence children according to the woman?
7.What does the man say about the media?
8.Why does the man advise parents not to watch uneducated programs?

选项 A、To gradually eliminate these programs.
B、To show the media their standpoint.
C、To control their children in watching TV.
D、To protest against the broadcast system.


解析 对话的最后,女士问男士怎样才能消除不好的电视节目,因为她相信父母们无法一整天都控制孩子。男士回答说要从自己做起,不要看无教养的节目,如果可以的话,告诉朋友和亲戚也不要看,这样这些节目的收视率就会下降,电视台不会播放收视率低的节目。由此可知,男士建议父母们不看无教养的电视节目是因为这样做可以逐渐消除这类电视节目。因此答案为A)。
