A、She taught at university on that day. B、She taught Japanese students. C、She received nothing from her students. D、She received

admin2020-03-30  27

M: So, Doron, what did you do last Valentine’s Day?
W:(12)Last Valentine’s day I got disappointed I think, because I taught at university, and I’ve heard that Japanese students always give their teachers loads and loads of chocolate.
M: Oh, really?
W: How about you? Are you looking forward to it this year?
M:(13)I’m planning on going to South Korea with my co-workers to escape the Valentine’s Day.
W: To escape?
M: Atmosphere, yes.
W: You’re not a fan then?
M: I like Valentine’s Day, but I don’t plan on celebrating it this year. Is Valentine’s Day big in England?
W: I haven’t lived in England for a while now, about ten years. When I was a kid it was big in the school, like in junior school, and(14)we used to have a little Valentine’s post box in our class where we could write little messages to our classmates and then we put it in the box and it’d get delivered.
M: Oh, in a box?
W: Yeah, in a little Valentine’s post box. The teacher would deliver them.
M: Did you only get notes or did you get candy as well?
W: No, it was just notes.(15)In England we don’t really give candy and chocolate and presents to people. We just give letters, unless it’s like a boyfriend or a girlfriend or something. But when you are seven, you don’t really bother.
12. Why did the woman feel disappointed on last Valentine’s Day?
13. What will the man do on this Valentine’s Day?
14. What did the woman and her classmates do on Valentine’s Day when she was in her junior school?
15. What are the traditional presents among lovers on Valentine’s Day in England?

选项 A、She taught at university on that day.
B、She taught Japanese students.
C、She received nothing from her students.
D、She received no chocolate from her boyfriend.


解析 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么女士对去年的情人节感到失望。对话开头男士问女士去年情人节过得怎么样,女士表示她感到很失望,因为那天她在大学教书,听说在这一天日本学生经常送许多巧克力给他们的老师。言外之意,女士感到失望的原因是没有学生给她送礼物。
