A、The advertising. B、The education. C、The catering. D、The real estate. A本题考查重要细节。根据句(2)可知,唐尼是广告专家,并出版了第一本书,因此[A]为正确答案。

admin2017-03-20  38

Interviewer(W)     Donny Deutsch(M)
Now, listen to Part One of the interview.
W:(1)An extremely competitive spirit of confidence and perhaps a little bit of hatred. Those are just some of the guiding principles that help one guy from bottom to the top of the advertising world. Donny Deutsch says the key to success was asking one simple question of himself—" Why not me?"(2)Now the advertising expert offers up his winning formula in his first book, " Often Wrong, Never in Doubt, Unleash the Business Rebel Within". Donny, good morning. Nice to see you.
M: Good to see you.
W: Why not me? How did you come up with that?
M: Every time I’ve met a successful person in business or president of the United States, just somebody who’s made it to the very important position, I always notice that beyond the obvious toolbox of being bright and hard-working, they almost all take the naive sense of entitlement of: Why shouldn’t I be the president of the United State? Why shouldn’t I be the anchor of Today’s Show? And until you say that, that next level can not have it. It doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed,(3 - 1)but if you don’t believe it, if you don’t feel entitled, it isn’t going to happen.
W: You write about this a lot in the book.(3-2)It’s all about confidence.
M: Yes.
W: I would say after knowing you for a year or two now, you have a certain amount of confidence that some people who know you probably think is healthy and other people think it crosses the line into self-conceit. Is that fair?
M: Yes. That’s fair. I mean if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else is going to, but at the same time, you know the title of the book is "Often Wrong, Never in Doubt".
W: Right. So where did the confidence come from? Who instilled that in you?
M: You know the bottom line is it’s OK to fail, and you have to embrace failure. As I have met many people in my agency, such as all the Fortune 50 CEOs, and I’ve yet to meet the genius, I realize that as you go through life, when you meet the top of the heap, you know they are smart, terrific.
W: Wait. Just now you talked about the genius, and you don’t think you meet people who are smarter than you?
M:(4)I think a lot of people are smarter. But I’ve still yet to meet a genius one. Once people understand that all the people they read about are very talented, bright people, but you know, not as bright as you think sometimes. So once you realize that, it’s very empowering. Just like people think what we do for a living is incredibly difficult, yet if they sat in the chair, and did it for a while, they can also do that!
W:(5)By the way, you don’t treat women as sex objects because you also say women are superior in business..
This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. What is mentioned as the principle to guide people from nobody to somebody in advertising field?
2. Which field has Donny Deutsch worked in?
3. What does Donny emphasize as the key to success?
4. What did Donny find through all the famous people he met?
5. What does Donny think of women in business?

选项 A、The advertising.
B、The education.
C、The catering.
D、The real estate.


解析 本题考查重要细节。根据句(2)可知,唐尼是广告专家,并出版了第一本书,因此[A]为正确答案。
