Bullying and Children A) What your son is describing is bullying, plain and simple. Although it is late in the school year

admin2021-06-01  2

问题                                                                         Bullying and Children
A)       What your son is describing is bullying, plain and simple. Although it is late in the school year, you should take action by reassuring your son that he did nothing to bring this on and that you will help him. Many parents, unfortunately, think that bullying and being bullied are rites of passage, something all kids endure at some point in their lives just like suffering through boring assembles and bad cafeteria food. But bullying is not, and should not be, considered a normal part of growing up.
B)       Studies done in Norway show that bullying is most common in the younger age groups but is still present even in the mid-teens. The percent of children who are bullied ranges from 17% in the second grade to about 5% in the ninth grade. A recent survey in the United States shows that 10% of children reported being bullied. This survey was limited to sixth through tenth graders.
C)       Bullying involves intentional and repeated actions and words designed to intimidate or hurt another person. There is usually an imbalance of power, either physical or psychological, between the perpetrator (作恶者) and his or her victim. Occasional name calling or shoving are not considered bullying because they are usually not repetitive events. On the other hand, if a child is on the receiving end of taunts (嘲弄) and name calling by any persons regularly, then that is considered bullying. Physical aggression, social alienation (疏远), verbal aggression, and intimidation are the four main categories of bullying.
D)       Many parents are shocked when they find out their child has been the victim of a bully, and a few parents are shocked to find out that their child has been a bully. Victims tend to be more passive, anxious, and insecure than non-victims and to have more negative views of themselves. A small percentage of victims are termed " provocative" because they are both anxious and aggressive, often seeking the attention of the perpetrator.
E)       The bullies, by comparison, tend to be aggressive children and frequently lack empathy for others. Bullies usually have a positive self-image and a desire to be in control. The bully cherishes power. The cherished myth of the bully as a loner with a poor self-image seeking to support his own self-worth by attacking others didn’t hold up to scrutiny (仔细的审查) of scientific study. Of course, there will always be victims and perpetrators who do not fit these profiles! Any child can be a bully, and any child can be bullied if the circumstances are right.
F)       Although bullying is common, studies report that only half the children report what is happening to a parent, and even fewer to a teacher. Few adults witness the acts of the bully because most aggression occurs at school and places where there is little oversight by an adult. The playground, cafeteria, and rest rooms are common locations for the perpetrator to act. Children who are victims may develop a variety of vague health complaints to avoid going to school or wherever the bullying is taking place. Sometimes this kind of school avoidance behavior can be a red flag for parents, so ask your child if he or she is being picked on and bullied.
G)       There are many reasons why kids may become bullies. Bullies frequently target people who are different. Then, they seek to exploit those differences. They choose victims who they think are unlikely to fight back. That means children who are overweight, wear glasses, or have obvious physical differences like big ears or severe acne (痤疮) are common subjects for ridicule. But the differences don’t have to be just physical. Children who learn at a different pace or are anxious or insecure can also be targets for bullies.
H)       Bullies may also turn to this abusive behavior as a way of dealing with a difficult situation at home, such as a divorce. Bullies might not realize how hurtful their actions can be, but some know the pain firsthand because they’ve been bullied or have been victims of abusing themselves. Some bullies think their behavior is normal because they come from families in which everyone regularly gets angry, shouts, and/or calls names. They copy what they know. And just like the children they’re tormenting, bullies often have low self-esteem. Whatever the cause, bullies usually pick on others as a way of dealing with their own problems. Sometimes, they pick on kids because they need a victim—someone who seems emotionally or physically weaker—to try to gain acceptance and feel more important, popular, or in control. Although some bullies are bigger or stronger than their victims, bullies can come in all shapes and sizes.
I)       If your child reveals to you that he or she is being bullied, take action. Parents can help the child by teaching him how to demonstrate an air of self-confidence by making good eye contact, speaking clearly and loudly enough to be heard. Remind the child to walk away from the encounter, tell the bully firmly mat he is in the wrong, and tell a teacher, parent or other adult what is happening.
J)       Parents of bullies should also intervene to stop the behavior and make it clear that bullying will not be tolerated or ignored. One study showed that 60% of boys who were identified as bullies in grades six through nine had at least one criminal conviction by the age of 24, between 35% and 40% of these children had three or more criminal convictions by that same age. Psychological counseling is often helpful and may identify the underlying problems such as depression or conduct disorder. There are many resources for parents and teachers. There are a number of good books such as Tackling Bullying in Your School: A Practical Handbook for Teachers by Sharp and Smith as well as Bully Proofing Your School by Garrity, Jens and Porter.
Maintaining good eye contact and speaking clearly with a loud voice will help a child to show self-confidence.



解析 同义转述题。由定位句可知,家长可以教会孩子如何通过良好的眼神交流以及大声、清晰的表达来展示自信。题干中的Maintaining是对定位句中making的同义转述,故选I。
