A、They hardly ate vegetables. B、They seldom had junk food. C、They favored chocolate-coated sweets. D、They liked the food adverti

admin2021-01-08  12

M: Hey, there. How are you?
W: Oh, hi! I’m great, thanks. And you look great, too.
M: Thank you! It’s good to see you shopping at the organic section. I see you got lots of healthy stuff. I wish I could buy more organic products from here. But I find the kids don’t like it. I don’t know about yours, but mine are all about junk food.
W: Oh, trust me! I know exactly how you feel. My children are the same. [5] What is it with kids these days and all like junk food they eat? [6-1] I think it’s all that advertising on TV. That’s where they get it.
M: [6-2] Yes, it must be. My children see something on TV and they immediately want it. It’s like they don’t realize it’s just an advertisement.
W: Right. And practically everything that advertises for children is unhealthy processed foods. No surprise then, it becomes a battle for us parents to feed our children ordinary fruit and vegetables.
M: That’s just the thing! One never sees ordinary ingredients being advertised on TV. It’s never a carrot or a peach. It’s always some garbage like chocolate-covered sweets. So unhealthy!
W: Exactly! [7] And these big food corporations have so much money to spend on clever tactics designed to make young children want to buy their products. Children never stand the chance. It’s really not fair.
M: You are so right! [8] When we were children, we barely had any junk food available, and we turned out just fine.
W: Yes, my parents don’t understand any of it. Both the TV commercials and the supermarkets are alien to them. Their world was so different back when they were young.
M: I don’t know what will happen to the next generation.
W: The world is going crazy.
M: You bet!
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5.What do the speakers say about the food that their children like?
6.According to the speakers, what affects children’s choice of food most?
7.What do the speakers believe big food corporations are doing?
8.What do we know about the speakers when they were children?

选项 A、They hardly ate vegetables.
B、They seldom had junk food.
C、They favored chocolate-coated sweets.
D、They liked the food advertised on TV.


解析 浏览四个选项,根据选项中出现的vegetables,junk food等词以及ate,had,favored等动词过去式可以推测,该题与过去发生的事有关,可能涉及过去某类人对食品的选择。题干问的是我们可以知道讲话者儿时的什么信息。对话中男士提到,当他们还是孩子时,他们几乎不会接触任何垃圾食品,故答案为B(他们几乎不吃垃圾食品)。对话中,讲话者对广告上的垃圾食品持反对态度,偏爱有机食品,所以A项(他们几乎不吃蔬菜)、C项(他们偏爱巧克力糖果)和D项(他们喜欢广告上的食品)均与对话内容不符,故排除。
