You will hear the head of recruitment at Buyright Supermarkets plc talking to a group of job applicants who are attending the co

admin2018-03-18  56

问题    You will hear the head of recruitment at Buyright Supermarkets plc talking to a group of job applicants who are attending the company’s assessment centre.
   As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.
   After you have listened once, replay the recording.
               Buyright Supermarkets Assessment Centre
Briefing notes
【L1】Buyright have invited______.people to attend the assessment centre.
【L2】The discussion groups will have to solve a problem connected with______
【L3】In the team challenges, everyone will have a chance to______
【L4】The interviews will concentrate on the participants’______
【L5】The participants should already have prepared their______
【L6】In one of the simulations, participants will deal with a staff member who has been accused of______
【L7】The four groups have each been given______.of different colours.
【L8】After this talk, the participants will be given the timetable of______
【L9】Before dinner there will be the West Room.
【L10】The participants will be able to put questions to a panel of______.managers.
【L11】Ten people will be selected for the______
【L12】Participants will find an expenses claim form in their______
Part One. Questions 1 to 12.
You will hear the head of recruitment at Buyright Supermarkets plc talking to a group of job applicants who are attending the company’s assessment centre. Here they will be assessed for places on Buyright’s training programme.
As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You now have 45 seconds to read through the notes.
Now listen, and complete the notes.
Good morning, and welcome to the Buyright Supermarkets assessment centre. My name is Jackie Shellens, and I’m the head of recruitment. I’ll be looking after you for these two days.
As you know, we’ve invited you here to choose ten of you for places on our management training programme. Of the original seventy applicants, we’ve shortlisted you twenty-four to go through this assessment process, which I’ll outline now.
You’ll be taking part in six main activities this evening and tomorrow: a team discussion, team challenge, psychometric tests, individual interview, presentation and simulations. You’ll be given more detailed information about each before you do it, but I’ll just outline them briefly.
First, the two team activities: for the discussion you’ll be given a problem involving planning, and you’ll have to find a solution in a group of six. In the same group, you will have team challenges and you’ll take turns to lead the group. These will take place outside, and will include crossing a snake pit without getting bitten - don’t worry, they aren’t real snakes! - and rounding up a flock of sheep, where you’ll be playing the roles of the sheep, sheepdogs and shepherd.
The psychometric tests are written tests and they will take you a couple of hours. You’ll be interviewed individually by two people, and they’ll focus on your personal qualities, using the psychometric tests as a starting point. The same two people, and the rest of your group of six, will be the audience for the presentations we’ve asked you to prepare.
For the simulations, you’ll be in threes. You’ll be given a typical situation in a supermarket - like dealing with a worker suspected of stealing. Two of you will act this out while the third observes, and then you’ll discuss what happened and what should be done. Don’t worry, it isn’t as difficult as it sounds, and we certainly don’t expect you to be perfect managers yet!
You’ve probably noticed that you’ve been given red, yellow, blue or green name badges, and they’re the four groups we’ve put you into. When I’ve finished talking to you, the four groups will go off to different rooms, where you’ll be given the timetable of group activities and do some icebreaking exercises to get to know each other. At six thirty, there’ll be a reception in the West Room, followed by dinner. After that, we’ll be having a question-and-answer session with a panel of branch managers, so you’ll be able to find out what it’s like working for Buyright. Tomorrow will start with breakfast at eight, and the activities will go on until five thirty.
We hope to make our final selection of ten people for the management training programme very soon, and we’ll write to you all within a week.
Oh, if you haven’t claimed your travel expenses yet, don’t forget to fill in your expenses claim form -there should be one in your information pack - and give it to me before you leave.
Now we’ll get each group off to the right room, and make a start. . .



