没有哪个国家比中国对汽车更痴狂了(bonkers),在这里新成为中产阶层(middle—class)的人们的梦想就是拥有一辆闪闪发光的新汽车。但仅仅有汽车对这些渴望超越中产阶层的人们是不够的,牌照号(license plate)就成为与汽车一样能够象征身份

admin2016-06-19  48

问题     没有哪个国家比中国对汽车更痴狂了(bonkers),在这里新成为中产阶层(middle—class)的人们的梦想就是拥有一辆闪闪发光的新汽车。但仅仅有汽车对这些渴望超越中产阶层的人们是不够的,牌照号(license plate)就成为与汽车一样能够象征身份和地位的东西。车牌号的发放通常是随机的(randomly)。但是在每年有10万人死于交通事故的国家,对于迷信的(superstitious)司机来说,以4结尾的牌照号是不吉利的,因为它的读音与“死”相同。而带8的车牌号则预示着(portend)发财。


答案 No country is more bonkers over cars than China, where achieving the new middle-class dream means owning a shiny new vehicle. But the car is not always enough for those who aspire beyond the middle class. A license plate has become almost as much of a status symbol as the car. License plates are usually issued randomly. But in a country where 100,000 people die annually in traffic accidents, a plate that ends in 4 is considered a very bad omen for a superstitious motorist because 4 has the same pronunciation as death. Yet a plate overflowing with 8’s portends good fortune.

