On August 18th U. S. News& World Report released its 2009 rankings of America’s top colleges. The survey began in 1983 as an inf

admin2013-12-10  26

问题     On August 18th U. S. News& World Report released its 2009 rankings of America’s top colleges. The survey began in 1983 as an informal poll, when the magazine asked 662 college presidents to identify the country’s best places of learning. It has since evolved into an annual trial for reputable universities. A strong showing in the rankings spurs student interest and alumni(校友)giving; a slip has grave consequences for public relations.
    University administrators deeply dislike the survey. Many reject the idea that schools can be stacked up against one another in any meaningful way. But whether the rankings are fair is beside the point, because they are widely influential. In the 1983 survey barely half of the presidents approached bothered to respond. Today, only a handful dare ignore it. Most, in fact, do more than simply fill out the survey. Competition between colleges for top students is increasing, partly because of the very popularity of rankings.


答案 《美国新闻与世界报道》在8月18日发布了2009年度美国顶尖院校的排名。这项调查开始于1983年的一项非正式民意调查,当时该杂志邀请662所高校校长共同评判出全国最佳院校。自此以后该调查就演变成了知名院校每年一度的考验。排名状况好会激发学生们的兴趣以及校友的捐赠,排名下滑则会对院校公共关系造成严重的影响。 院校的管理者对此调查深恶痛绝。许多人排斥这个做法,因为他们认为不可能找到一种有意义的方式对院校进行集中排名。但是院校排名公平与否并非关键。因为这些排名已经深入人心。在1983年的调查中,涉及的校长仅有一半做出了回应。今天,敢于忽视它的学校寥寥无几。事实上,大多数的院校不仅仅简单地填写调查内容。院校之间抢夺优秀学生的竞争正在加剧,部分原因是院校排名的普遍影响力。

