The author says that Hitler came into power "on cat paws" because ______. Which of the following statements can not be inferred

admin2009-04-23  15

问题 The author says that Hitler came into power "on cat paws" because ______.
Which of the following statements can not be inferred from the passage?

选项 A、At First, though Hindenburg did not like Hitler, he appreciated Hitler’s ideas.
B、Hitler represented Prussian landowners and Monarchists while Hindenburg carried centrist Catholics and liberal democrats.
C、Hindenburg was challenged by Hitler only one year after their first meeting.
D、Schleicher was once the top of the Army in Papen’s government.


解析 细节题。文中第二段第一句即与选项A表达的信息相悖,即“兴登堡既不喜欢希特勒本人,也不欣赏他的主张”。而选项B、C、D在文中第二、三段中均有出处。
