So far, only 14 countries in the world have laws on the books specifically giving homosexual couples the right to adopt children

admin2021-05-24  50

问题         So far, only 14 countries in the world have laws on the books specifically giving homosexual couples the right to adopt children. A few other countries, like Finland and Iceland, allow one partner in a same-sex union to adopt the other’s biological child. The majority of countries in the world, though, have laws specifically prohibiting adoption by same-sex couples. The following are viewpoints on whether homosexual couples should have adoption rights.
        Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize briefly the opinions;
        2. give your comment.
        James Madison from the UK
        There are still many ways for homosexuals to become parents. Some of them are able to pay for a surrogate; some may have a natural child from a previous (heterosexual) relationship and then raise the child with a homosexual partner. These kids deserve the security of two legally recognized parents. If being raised by same-sex parents is really that harmful, why would the law allow two gay people to raise a child together as parents but refuse to legally recognize them as such?
        He Yong from China
        The focus of this debate should not be on gay rights, but on what is in the best interest of the adopted child. The adoption process’ goal is to find the most suitable parents for that child, not to resolve other social inequalities and injustices. Being raised in a traditional family, by a mother and father, is the best environment for a child. Studies have shown that children who are raised by homosexual couples can have problems with substance abuse, violence and "at risk" behaviour. Therefore the government has the obligation to try to provide the child with that environment.
        Lisa Belkin from Finland
        Children raised by gay or lesbian couples will find it more difficult to learn appropriate gender roles in the absence of male or female role-models. Although not an exact match single parents provide a similar case where there has not been someone of the other gender as a role model. Although the evidence is not nearly as conclusive as is often claimed, there have been many studies that have shown that two parents from different genders is beneficial to the child in its development. Similarly it is often claimed that boys develop negative attitudes to study because there are very few male teachers in primary schools.
        John Schwartz from Germany
        Getting married and raising a family is considered in most societies one of the most important and fulfilling experiences one can aspire to. It is so important that it is considered a human right (Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights states "Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.") It is considered so important for people to be able to become parents that some governments (the UK, for example) fund fertility treatments for couples who are reproductively challenged, and a majority of the population supports that policy. But members of the homosexual community are stopped from pursuing this human right by repressive and discriminatory laws.
        Benedict Carey from Canada
        Discrimination is the practice of treating people differently based not on individual merit but on their membership to a certain group. The adoption bans are a clear example. Rather than assessing same-sex couples individually, it is simply assumed that they would all make bad parents because they are gay or lesbian, while straight couples are assessed based on their individual merit. This breaches the fundamental right of all people to be treated equally under the law and it should be stopped.


答案 No Parental Sexual Bias on the Adoptions of Children Considerable public controversy continues to surround the adoptions of children by homosexual couples. Although forbidden in many countries, such adoptions have become legal in other jurisdictions. Some criticize that lesbian and gay parents play a negative role in the development of the adopted children. However, some hold that those homosexual couples should be respected and share the equal rights to adopt the kids. In this article, I argue that for purposes of adoption, sexual orientation of parents should be considered irrelevant. The bias on this minority group should be eliminated. Currently, many scientific researches in this area have drawn a conclusion that offspring of lesbian and gay parents do not differ in terms of their gender identity, sex role behaviour or sexual orientation. And they are developing in positive directions. Therefore, the sexual orientation of parents is not a key factor of children’s healthy development. According to some reports, part of young people from homosexual families find themselves joyful and comfortable and are easily accepted by their peers. The reasons lie in that many homosexual couples are harmonious and devoted to the children’s welfare. In addition, they exhibit more parenting awareness skills. Actually, many exiting studies have revealed that the young generation brought up by the heterosexual parents who lack of relationship quality and parenting skills will usually suffer from the behavioural, psychological, intellectual and emotional problems. There is no factual basis for claims that the adoption of children by homosexual parents is negative and harmful to children. On the contrary, based on research findings, those children of homosexual families develop as successfully as the children of heterosexual parents. In the best interests of the adopted children from the homosexual families, those with discrimination on the homosexual community should learn how to respect and understand them so as to create a harmonious social environment for all the children.

解析         材料给出来自不同国家的五个人关于同性恋家庭领养孩子的讨论与评价。其中,第二和第三个人持反对意见,他们认为该话题关注的重点在于被领养儿童的最大利益(the best interest of the adopted child),政府应当保障孩子最佳的成长环境(best environment),即在传统的家庭(traditional family)中成长;由于某一性别榜样的缺失,同性恋家庭不利于孩子的性别角色(gender roles)认同。其他三个人则重点强调组建家庭是人的基本权利(a human right),该禁令的依据不是个人品德(not on individual merit),而是仅凭成员构成(membership),这是赤裸裸的歧视。他们理应在社会中获得平等权,即应同其他群体一样获得领养儿童的权利。
