Social scientists have been trying to identify the conditions most likely to promote satisfying human lives. Their findings give

admin2022-01-20  13

问题     Social scientists have been trying to identify the conditions most likely to promote satisfying human lives. Their findings give some important clues about choosing a career: Money matters, but as the economist Richard Easterlinand and others have demonstrated, not always in the ways you may think.
    Consider this thought experiment. Suppose you had to choose between two parallel worlds that were alike except that people in one had significantly higher incomes. If you occupied the same position in the income distribution in both—say, as a median earner—there would be compelling reasons for choosing the richer world. After all, societies with higher incomes tend also to enjoy cleaner air and water, better schools, less noisy environments, safer working conditions, longer life expectancy and many other obvious benefits.
    But context also matters. If you faced a choice between being a relatively low earner in a high-income society or being near the top in a society in which your income was lower in absolute terms, the answer would be less clear.
    If the income difference was very small, being a top earner in the poorer world would probably be more satisfying. Your house would be smaller in absolute terms, but because it would be bigger than most other people’ s, you would be more likely to regard it as adequate.
    It’s not just that more money doesn’t provide a straightforward increase in happiness. Social science research also underscores the importance of focusing carefully on the many ways in which jobs differ along dimensions other than pay. As economists have long known, jobs that offer more attractive working conditions—greater autonomy, for example, or better opportunities for learning, or enhanced workplace safety—also tend to pay less.
    The happiness literature has identified one of the most deeply satisfying human psychological states to be one called "flow". It occurs when you are so immersed in an activity that you lose track of the passage of time. If you can land a job that enables you to experience substantial periods of flow, you will be among the most fortunate people on the planet. What’ s more, as the years pass, you will almost surely develop deep expertise at whatever it is you’ ve been doing.
According to social science research, which is NOT that important in evaluating jobs?

选项 A、More rights to handle affairs.
B、Enviable wages.
C、Better chances for enriching oneself.
D、Improved safety condition.


解析 细节题。根据题干关键词定位到文章第五段。A项“更多的权利去处理事情”是greater autonomy的同义替换。C项“更好的机会充实自己”是文中better opportunities for learning的同义替换。D项“改善的安全环境”是文中enhanced workplace safety的同义替换,采用排除法。故本题选B。
