Every day, newspapers, magazines, and television fill our eyes and ears with reports about the world. The unemployment is down f

admin2010-07-19  48

问题     Every day, newspapers, magazines, and television fill our eyes and ears with reports about the world. The unemployment is down four-tenths of a percent; another candidate has declared his intention to run; the space shuttle completes a successful mission; guerrillas claim responsibility for an attack on a refugee settlement. We rarely question such information; instead, we accord it the status of fact by making two crucial assumptions: that such stories could be verified if we wanted to check into them and that the sources who deliver them have no intent to deceive us.
   Yet behind the simplest news stories lie definitions, perceptions, and categories that could become sources of different views by equally competent hearers and observers, that could, in other words, spawn arguments maintaining different views of reality. We can make this point more clearly by looking at our sample news items cited above. The unemployment rate, for example, is an extremely complex indicator; reporting procedures can and do change such a figure. If, for instance, only those actively looking for work are counted among the unemployed, then the figure will not indicate those who have despaired of finding work and those who have never tried. Those who are working part time and wish to be working full time also may not be included. Thus the fact "of an increase or decrease in the rate of unemployment may not be such a fact after all; much depends on a definition of the unemployed".


答案 但是,即使在最简单的新闻报道中,也存在着定义、观念和分类方法的问题。听者和观察者由于使用的定义、分类方法或看问题的角度不同,即使他们能力一样强,也有可能对同一事物持不同的看法。看看上面我们所列举的几条新闻就能更清楚地认识这一点。仅以失业率为例,失业率是个十分复杂的问题。算法不同,报道出的数字就可能会不一样。如果仅仅把积极的求职者算作失业,那么,这个失业率就没有把谋职不成而灰心丧气者以及失业后未再谋职者考虑在内,而且可能连那些谋求全日制工作的打零工者也被排除在外。这样一来,失业率上升或下降的“事实”也许就根本算不正事实;是否属实在很大程度上取决于对“失业”作何定义。

解析    本题是议论文;谈新闻报道问题;要求译第2段。
   要求翻译的部分与上文的衔接比较简单,—目了然:(尽管那些新闻报道的内容经得起核查,提供信息的人也无意欺骗我们,)但是,(我们还要看到,)由于信息源及记者在definitions,perceptions,and categories等方面不尽相同,写出来的报道也会不一样。接着,就以“失业率”为例,讨论为什么会对同一事实持不同的见解。
   此译例最大的问题是信息缺失!原文中用最高级(the simplest news stories),意思是“全部”(all the news stories)——就连最……的也……。初学翻译的人往往只看原文中的词,而不注重理解全句的含义。在句中有“最高级”时,一定要注意分析和区分:是仅仅指词义自身的意思,还是指包括其自身意思在内的全部。其实,汉语中也常有这样的说法。例如,“就连我们班上跑得最快的小张也跑不过他。”
   此译例中,还有一个不算太小的问题:“能力相同的听众和观众”。应该看到,这里所指的不是一般的听众和观众,而是指那些提供信息源和写此报道的人。这样理解,其根据是:第一段说,“我们”(即该报道的读者)往往是信以为真的,因为总觉得人家不会骗我们;这一段说的是:他们之所以写出来的报道不一样,并不是因为他们主观上要骗我们,而是因为他们确实是那样认为的——依据的是他们所用的 definitions,perceptions,and categories。
   应该把这样的人包括在内吗?当然不能!因为,“想找兼职工作的人”已经有了一份工作,只是想在闲暇时间再干一份。working part time是指那些没有正式工作,只是打打零工的人。
   after all不是“毕竟”,而是“根本”。从词典里随便乱搬释义是不行的,要选择合适的释义。
