In recent years, Britain has been afflicted with one scandal after another, and these have been widely publicized by media every

admin2014-04-28  48

问题     In recent years, Britain has been afflicted with one scandal after another, and these have been widely publicized by media everywhere. These scandals have far-reaching consequences for its once much-admired public institutions. They reflected the falling standards in education, postal, transport, health care and social welfare services, to name a few key areas.
    Education is a clear example. Reduced government subsidies have led to the deliberate lowering of admission standards and easier attainment of degrees in some universities aimed at attracting more students. To bolster the funding of an ancient university, a don there offered college places to offspring of substantial donors who would not otherwise be eligible for admission. Most recently, the A-Level examination marking debacle affecting hundreds of thousands of students shocked the nation.
    Brain drain of its elites is becoming serious, as many have emigrated elsewhere for a better future. More will follow suit, unless effective solutions are found soon.


答案 最近几年,英国丑闻层出不穷,引起各地媒体广泛报道。这些丑闻给一向为人称道的英国公共机构带来巨大的冲击,它们反映了教育、邮政、交通、医疗保健和社会福利等主要部门的服务水平日益低落。 教育是一个很明显的例子。在政府减少补贴的情况下,为吸引更多学生,一些大学刻意降低入学水平和获得学位的难度。有一所大学,历史悠久,为了筹募资金,甚至招收不合格的学生,条件是家长必须捐献一大笔款项。不久前。“A”水准考试评分风波影响了数以万计的学生,也震惊了英国社会。 顶尖人才外流问题日益严重,许多人为了追寻更美好的未来选择了移民。除非能很快找到解决问题的有效措施,否则移民潮还会持续下去。

解析 1、本段指出英国教育、邮政等部门服务水平日益低落,并以英国教育为例展开论述。语言正式,论证严密,根据汉语习惯适当进行语态、词性转换,适当增加逻辑连接词,有助于做好本篇的翻译。
2、首段第1句的…has been afflicted with…和…have been widely publicized by…系被动语态,属英文常态结构,译文将其转换为汉语的主动语态,符合汉语行文习惯。
3、首段末句的falling standards系偏正结构,可转译为主谓结构,译为“服务水平日益低落”。
5、末段首句中的brain drain常译为“人才外流”。
