The following are two excerpts about perfection. Read the two excerpts carefully and write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS,

admin2018-05-12  29

问题 The following are two excerpts about perfection. Read the two excerpts carefully and write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should:
1. summarize the main ideas in the two excerpts, and then
2. express your opinion on perfection, especially on whether aiming for perfection matters in whatever you do.
You can support yourself with information from the excerpts.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
Excerpt 1
               Headmistress tells pupils not to fret about exams
   Pupils should not worry about their exam results because no one will remember them in years to come, the head of a leading girls’ school has said.
   Judith Carlisle, headmistress of Oxford High School, said there was no point fretting over GCSEs because no one will "give a damn" about results—and because they don’t reflect character.
She is running a " Death of Little Miss Perfect" initiative at the private school to combat perfectionism in her students.
   "Perfectionism is only captured in a moment—it’s not achievable longer term," she said. "It undermines self-esteem and then performance. "
   Miss Carlisle said that students don’t always need to aim for 100 per cent, and if they do need an A grade to attend their university of choice, it’s not necessary to get the highest A possible.
   She said: "It matters, but sometimes it probably won’t matter. It’s important[the girls are]not going for things that if they don’t get it, it will destroy them. Exams aren’t who they are—it’s what they did on that day. "
   She said: "There’s unhelpful perfectionism as opposed to high standards. It’s not that we’re aiming to undermine high standards—it will actually help you achieve higher standards. "
Excerpt 2
   The pursuit of perfection is a strategy for motivating organizations to innovate and reach levels of improvement and performance not previously seen as possible. Leveraging the pursuit of perfection as a strategy was developed and refined by quality leaders such as Bob Galvin and Paul O’Neill, and it has led to success in industries including health care, telecommunications, and manufacturing.
   Prior to serving as U. S. Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O’Neill was one of the most successful industrial leaders of the 20th century. As CEO of Alcoa from 1987 to 1999, he proposed and demanded a radical goal: zero work-loss incidents. No one would be hurt working at Alcoa. Alcoa moved toward perfection, becoming the safest industrial company in the world—as well as the most successful aluminum producer in the world.
   Paul O’Neill has developed a revolutionary kind of leadership—one that centers around the pursuit of perfection.


答案 Obsessive Perfectionism Is Not Desirable In order to survive in this competitive society, all of us are laboring under our own and society’s expectations to be perfect in every way. Many people embrace the idea that perfectionism helps us to continuously aim for higher standards and become better, which is critical to success. But some hold opposing views on this matter. They argue that perfectionism at its extreme not only prevents us from being our best, but undermines our self-esteem and even ruins us. In my view, the problem doesn’t lie in perfectionism, as we can’t deny the fact that our dedication to perfection pushes us to achieve great results. The problem is when the quest for perfection turns into an obsession, so much so that the perfectionist becomes neurotic over gaining perfection and refuses to accept anything less than perfect. As the old adage goes, too much of something is bad. On the one hand, the obsession has a great impact on our work. For instance, due to our desire to "perfect" everything, what is actually a simple task may get blown out of proportion, to the extent it becomes subconsciously intimidating. We may procrastinate, waiting for the ever "perfect" moment until it is too late. Other than that, perfectionists who are too hung up over details tend to forget about the bigger picture and the end vision, and as a result failure at work seems to be inevitable. On the other hand, for these negative and neurotic perfectionists, when they fail, they will not look into other aspects that could have caused their failure. Instead, they will blame themselves for everything, which results in depression and low self-esteem. To sum up, we should become healthy perfectionists who truly try to achieve personal excellence, not maladaptive perfectionists who inhibit our own efforts for personal growth. Bear in mind that every bean has its black. The more we open ourselves to making mistakes, the faster we can get down to learning from them, and the quicker we can grow.

解析 本材料讨论的是如何看待完美主义这一话题。选段1中牛津高中校长告诫学生不要因考试成绩而烦恼,因为她认为完美主义是暂时的、不长久的,而且还会削弱个人的自尊和表现;选段2则认为追求完美可以鞭策我们前进,不断地完善自己,并最终走向成功。本题的写作重点在于首先概括上述选段的观点;然后就这一话题提出自己的观点并给予足够的论据支撑;最后总结全文,重述论点。
