
admin2010-03-25  81

问题     谁知就在他准备启程前往美国之前,他遭到一个突然的打击。她用从未用过的语气给他写了一封信。信中她以一种简略的、办理事务式的态度通知他,说自己的财产正处于全面崩溃的边缘,因而从此以后她无法再供给他任何款项了,她还告诉他,他们之间的亲密关系必须结束了……


答案 And then, just before he started for America, there came a sudden blow. A letter from her written in a tone she had never before used. She told him in a curt and businesslike manner that her fortune was on the point of complete collapse, that from now on she would be unable to send him any money, and that their intimacy must come to an end... He was stunned at the tone of the letter... The blow had unnerved him. "She is tired of you and your music," a voice kept telling him. "And now that you no longer serve your purpose as her hired man, she wishes to get rid of you..." Yet he hoped against hope that there had been some mistake. She would surely send him another letter, explaining everything. Day after day he waited for that letter—and it never came. He boarded the boat for America and reached New York with its vociferous welcome. He became the idol of the New World. Millionaires, educators, journalists, coachmen—all bowed to him in obsequious homage. But this was empty glory. He would have gladly exchanged it all for a single word from his beloved. He had aged rapidly in the last few months. The reporters wrote that he was "an interesting-looking man of about sixty," although he was only fifty at the time. Satiated with his American adulation, he rushed back to Moscow.

