What is a drug? Most people likely think 【1】______ think there’s a perfectly simple answer to this que

admin2014-04-28  33

问题    What is a drug? Most people likely think              【1】______
think there’s a perfectly simple answer to this            
question. In fact, if one carries a quick survey on      【2】______
any street corner, one finds that according to the        
great vast majority of people, there are two groups      【3】______
of drugs: those prescribed by doctors, and those            
which people take for non-medical use. As medicine           
and the medical profession are generally self-respected     
there aren’t objections to the use of prescribed         【4】______
drugs. What most people don’t realize is that while        
prescribed while prescribed drugs are usually thought      
beneficial, they can also present serious problem.       【5】______
There were many people addicted by tranquilizers         【6】______
before doctors began to prescribe them: now there           
being literally millions who depend on them. The         【7】______
acceptance of the use of drugs for non-medical            
reasons is largely a matter of culture. Some Eastern        
people view the consumption of alcohol with horror,         
mainly as a means of religious upbringing. However,      【8】______
these same people freely use marijuana without a            
second thought, while this, in turn, isn’t accepted in      
Western culture which approves alcohol. In most          【9】______
Western societies, the tea or coffee break is now         
a part of life, and huge numbers of these drinks are     【10】______
consumed daily.



解析 be addicted to是固定搭配,例如:He is skilled in deception and addicted to deceit.他骗术很高并且沉溺于诈骗
