
admin2014-01-13  35

问题      “失落之城”马丘比丘坐落在秘鲁热带山地森林,直到1911年才被美国探险家海勒姆·宾厄姆发现。马丘比丘海拔2430米,为热带森林所包围。它可能是印加帝国全盛时期最辉煌的城市建筑,那巨大的城墙和梯田好像是在连绵的悬崖绝壁上自然形成的一样。古城矗立在安第斯山脉东边的斜坡上,环绕着亚马逊河上游的盆地。马丘比丘废墟是世界七最美最神秘的占代遗址之一。早在15世纪初期,印加人就在那里建起数百座石建筑,传说和神话表明马丘比丘曾是一个圣地。古城废墟有宫殿、洗浴室、寺庙、贮藏室和大约150间房子,皆保存完好。这些建筑均用山顶的灰色花岗岩雕筑而成,是建筑学和美学的奇迹。


答案 Machu Picchu, the "lost city" located in Peru’s tropical mountain forest, wasn’t discovered by American explorer Hiram Bingham until 1911. It stands 2, 430 meters above the sea level, surrounded by the tropical mountain forest. It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height; its giant walls and terraces seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous cliffs. The ancient city, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, surrounds the upper Amazon Basin. The ruins of Machu Picchu are one of the most beautiful and mysterious ancient cites in the world. While the Inca people erected hundreds of stone structures there from the early 1400’s, legends and myths indicate that Machu Picchu was a sacred place. The ruins have palaces, baths, temples, storage rooms and some 150 houses, all in a remarkable state of preservation. These structures, carved from the gray granite of the mountain top, are wonders of both architectural and aesthetic genius.

