
admin2012-03-23  47

问题     不消说,相识的人数是随了年龄增加的,一个人年龄越大,走过的地方、当过的职务越多,相识的人理该越增力了。可是,相识的人并不就是朋友。我们和许多人相识,或是因为了事务关系,或是因了偶然的机缘棗如在别人请客的时候同席吃过饭之类。见面时点头或握手,有事时走访或通信,口头上彼此也称“朋友”,笔头上有时或称“仁兄”,诸如此类,其实只是一种社会上得客套,和“顿首”、“百拜”同是仪式的虚伪。这种交际可以说是社交,和真正的友谊相差似乎很远。


答案 Needless to say, the number of people you get acquainted with is increasing along with your age. Theoretically speaking, as we getting older, the more we experienced, the more people we know. However, not every acquaintance is friend. We met many people, sometimes through business, sometimes by chance—such as attending the same banquet and sitting by the same table. We greet with a nod or with handshakes when we come across; we pay visits or write letters when we seek help We orally call each other "buddy" or address each other "my dear friend" in the letter. All these are just social etiquettes, which are as formally hypocritical as "kowtow". This kind of communication is social engagement, which is far from being called true friendship.

