请认真阅读下文,并按要求作答。 根据拟定的教学目标,设计教学过程并说明理由。

admin2019-07-19  42

问题 请认真阅读下文,并按要求作答。



答案【教学过程】 Stepl:Warm up. Read the Words about animals. Greet each other. (设计意图:课前读单词,一方面复习上节课的内容,另一面培养学生良好的读书习惯。师生问候有助于学生很快进入学习状态。) Step2:Review. (1)Look at those pictures,chant and do. Cat,cat,I see a cat. Bird,bird,I see a bird . ... Dog,dog,I see a dog. (设计意图:看图、做动作、说唱儿歌,既复习本单元的单词,也培养了学生学习英语的兴趣。) (2)Look at those pictures and say the Words one by one. Cat,cat. Bird,bird . .... Dog,dog. (设计意图:“开火车”读单词既检测学生对单词的掌握程度,又培养学生读单词的良好习惯。) Step3:Presentation and practice. (1) Show the new words and learn to say the new phrases:big,small,long,short,a big mouth,a small face,a long nose,a short tail. (设计意图:看图学习新单词为儿歌做准备,在教学中通过“TPR”教学法(即“全身反应教学法”)让学生更好地理解并运用新词及短语。) (2) Look at those pictures and listen to the tape of Part A. (设计意图:听磁带感知儿歌,培养学生听的能力。) (3) Listen and say the chant of this class. Look! Look! A big big mouth! Look!Look!A tiger! … Look! Look! A short short tail! Look!Look!Lucky! (设计意图:听并说唱儿歌一方面巩固新单词,另一方面通过儿歌激发学生学英语的兴趣。) (4)Learn Part B.(Match and say.) To listen and say“What’s this? It’s a…” To look and match. To practice the sentence pattern:What’s this?It’s a… (设计意图:看图、拼图、连线、说句型等,既操练句子也通过游戏吸引学生学习英语的兴趣。) Step4:Homework. (1)Listen to the tape and review Lesson 16. (2)Listen to the tape and preview Lesson 17.

