On Saturday, more than 282,700 people, many clad in yellow vests, took to—and, in many places, also literally too—the streets, a

admin2020-08-17  9

问题     On Saturday, more than 282,700 people, many clad in yellow vests, took to—and, in many places, also literally too—the streets, according to the French Interior Ministry.
    A 63-year-old protester was killed in the eastern Savoie region when a driver panicked by demonstrators accidentally accelerated a vehicle into the crowd, French media reported.
    The protesters’ chief complaint: the rising cost of diesel fuel. The recent price hike is a direct result of President Emmanuel Macron’s commitment to curbing climate change, which included higher carbon taxes for 2018, the first full year of his term. But beyond the diesel issue, many turned out Saturday to voice any number of other frustrations with the "president for the rich", who is seen as increasingly removed from ordinary people’s concerns.
    Diesel, a fossil fuel, is known for the pollutants it emits into the air. Although it was traditionally taxed at the same rate as gasoline, that is no longer the case: Taxes on diesel have risen 6. 2 percent per liter this year, as part of the government’s efforts to protect clean air. The problem is, diesel remains the most common fuel in France, leading many to view recent policies as an attack on working people more than an environmental safeguard.
    The stirrings of the "yellow vest" campaign behind Saturday’s protests began this summer, with online petitions urging Macron to reconsider. But the loudest voice was that of Jacline Mouraud, a white-haired hypnotist and grandmother of three from Brittany who has become the star of the movement.
    "I have two little words for Mr. Macron and his government," she said in a YouTube video that has garnered millions of views. "You have persecuted drivers since the day you took office. This will continue for how long?"
    On Saturday, Mouraud was asked to explain the death of the protester. "I deplore the death of this woman," she said, speaking to Europe 1 radio. "But who is responsible for this situation? The French government is responsible for the death of this woman. "
    Her view of the government is not a fringe opinion. According to a poll published Friday by the Odoxa agency for France’s Le Figaro newspaper—albeit with only 1,000 respondents—as many as 3 in 4 French people agree. Whatever the actual figure, Macron’s opponents, particularly on France’s political extremes, have sought to capitalize on the sentiment, using the yellow-vest movement to cast the president as an out-of-touch elitist.
    In response, Macron has offered his "respect and consideration" to the protesters but has refused to budge. He is also far from alone in advocating higher carbon taxes.
    The United Nations contends taxing carbon dioxide emissions is an essential component of halting a steady rise in global temperatures. It was a key element of the world body’s major October report predicting Earth’s atmosphere may warm by up to 2. 7 degrees Fahrenheit over preindustrial levels as soon as 2040, potentially triggering a global crisis decades earlier than expected.
    Approximately 48,000 people die in France each year from pollution-related causes, according to France’s public health watchdog.
    Since his election, Macron has sought to position himself as a leading voice for action on climate change—in notable contrast to Trump. When Trump withdrew the United States from the landmark Paris climate accord of 2015, Macron invited U. S. climate scientists to continue their research in France. In English, he even played on Trump’s campaign slogan: "Make Our Planet Great Again. "
More than 282,700 people protested in France because of________.

选项 A、their concerns of the rising cost of diesel fuel
B、their frustrations with the "president for the rich"
C、President Macron’s commitment to curbing climate change
D、government’s efforts to protect clean air


解析 事实细节题。第三段第一句提到,抗议者不满柴油价格上涨,同时第三段最后一句提到,除了柴油价格问题,人们走上街头还要表达对马克龙这位“富人总统”的其他不满。那么显然,抗议者对马克龙不满的地方有很多,柴油价格问题只是其中一个。由此可得知A项较片面,其内容已经包括在B项里,B项全面,故为本题答案。该段第二句提到,柴油价格的大幅上涨是马克龙致力于遏制气候变化导致的直接后果。这是油价上涨的原因,不是人们抗议的直接原因,C项表述不符合题意。第四段第二句讲到,政府为保护空气提高了柴油的税率,这也是油价上升的原因,故D项表述也不符合题意。
