You are going to read an article which is followed by a list of examples or headings. Choose the most suitable one from the list

admin2009-04-27  15

问题 You are going to read an article which is followed by a list of examples or headings. Choose the most suitable one from the list A-F for each numbered position(41-45). There may be certain extra which you do not need to use. (10 points)

A. Message transmission in the body from the chemical perspective
B. How food influences mood and mind
C. Substances contained in some foods can improve brainpower
D. An example of the influence of food on mind and mood
E. Food produces chemical messengers in the brain
F. The effects and application of neurotransmitters

    Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine", said, "Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food." For a Greek born in the fifth century B.C., Hippocrates was wise beyond his time. Today, we know that a low-fat diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke. But, Hippocrates, lend an ear! There’s more to the story. New evidence suggests that food may influence how healthy people think and feel. Were he alive today, Hippocrates might look back to his last meal to explain his cheerful (or sour) mood. He might also change his eating habits to become happier or smarter.
    Imagine yourself lying in bed, your mind in turmoil. You toss and turn, but sleep won’t come. Maybe a bedtime snack would help. What should you choose7 If you think first of toaster waffles or popcorn, some experts would say you’re on the right track. Foods high in complex carbohydrates—such as cereals, potatoes, pasta, crackers, or rice cakes—make many people relaxed and drowsy.
    Try one more. You have a math test coming up in the afternoon. You want to be sharp, but you usually feel sleepy after lunch. Is your best choice an energy fix of fries and a shake or a broiled chicken breast and low-fat yogurt? If you pick the high-fat fries and shake, you may feel sluggish and blow that test. The protein-rich chicken and yogurt are better choices. Protein foods energize, some experts say.
    How does food ’affect mood and mind? The answer may lie in the chemistry of the brain and nervous system. Molecules called neurotransmitters are chemical messengers. They carry a nerve impulse across the gap between nerve cells. The release of neurotransmitter molecules from one neuron and their attachment to receptor sites on another keep a nerve impulse moving. Nerve impulses carry messages from the environment to the brain, for example, the pain you feel when you stub your toe. They also carry messages in the other direction, from the brain to the muscles. That’s why you back away from the obstacle that initiated the pain signal and exclaim, "Ouch!"
    "Many neurotransmitters are built from the foods we eat," says neuroscientist Eric Chudler of the University of Washington. Too little or too much of a particular nutrient in the diet can affect their production, Chudler says. For example, tryptophan from foods such as yogurt, milk, bananas, and eggs is required for the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
    Dozens of neurotransmitters are known; hundreds may exist. Their effects depend on their a-mounts and where they work in the brain. The neurotransmitter serotonin, for example, is thought to produce feelings of calmness, relaxation, and contentment. Drugs that prevent its reuptake (into the neuron that released it) are prescribed to treat depression. In at least some healthy, non-depressed people, carbohydrate foods seem to enhance serotonin production and produce similar effects. "It is the balance between different neurotransmitters that helps regulate mood," Chudler says.
    Proper nutrition may also enhance brainpower. Choline is a substance similar to the B-vitamins. It’s found in egg yolks, whole wheat, peanuts, milk, green peas, liver, beans, seafood, and soybeans. The brain uses it to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. To test the effects of choline on memory and learning, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave memory tests to college students before increasing the amount of choline in their subjects’ diets. Later, they re-tested. On the average, memories were better, and the students learned a list of unrelated words more easily.
    "We’re just scratching the surface in this field," says Larry Christensen, a psychologist at the University of South Alabama, "but we know that there are definite behavioral effects of diet." There’s a lot to learn, and future research may reveal more about the chemistry of mood, brain, and nutrition. Until then, it makes sense to choose healthy foods that nourish both body and mind.



解析 在做出选择之前,首先应该明确本段在全文中的地位。文章第一段引出要讨论的问题,其中心句为"新的证据显示食品可能会影响健康人的思考和感觉方式"。紧随其后的本段可能会深入阐述"什么证据"、"如何影响"、"为什么影响"的问题,也可能会提出与之不同甚至相反的新观点。根据本段的意思可知它是在阐述"食品会使人感觉…",也就是说用具体的例证支持第一段的主题句。在本段的后面是另一个类似的例证,从用了"Try one more"开头就可看出,证明这两段是并列关系,它们是从两个不同的侧面证明了第一段的观点。所以本段是证明前一段主题句的一个例子,选项D的表达符合题意。
