
admin2014-11-03  93

问题     比起菜谱和京戏,同样不易翻译的还有时下的“套话”。在宁波的一家中国公司做事的法国人讲了个套话的例子:这家公司成功地为一家造船厂引进了一套机械设备,在庆功宴上,中方领导致辞:“在局领导的亲切关怀下,在公司领导的亲自指挥下……”外国工程师听了翻译的内容十分不解,私下里抱怨说:“你们领导说谎,指挥安装调试的是我。公司领导只来过一次,局领导根本没露过面。”中国员工解释说:“中国的事情最好都要和领导挂上钩,这是规矩。”这位洋人在一次事故分析会上,学起了中国的规矩,发言时用了这样的开场白:“在领导的亲切关怀下,在公司领导的亲自指挥下……”全场愕然。做过多年驻外大使的外交学院院长吴建民先生举过一个例子:谈到中国的改革开放,外国人理解起来就有困难。吴先生说:“中国的话语体系西方人不太懂,所以要用他们能接受的表达方式才能够沟通。”菜谱也好,京剧也罢,套话也好,语言的问题通常不在于语言本身,而在于文化差异。


答案Besides recipes and Peking operas, the translation of current "jargons" is of equal difficulty. A French working for a Chinese company in Zhejiang Ningbo once shared with me an example showing the difficulty of translating and using jargons: After the company successfully introduced a set of machinery and equipment for a shipyard, they held a celebration banquet. During the celebration, one Chinese leader made a speech, " With the loving care from the Bureau leadership, and under the command of the company leaders in person ..." After hearing the translated content of the speech, the foreign engineer working in the company was very surprised and confused , and he privately complained, " Your leaders have just lied. I am the one who commanded the installation and the leader of the company just visited once during, and the Bureau leader never showed up. " The Chinese staff explained, " In China, it is best to connect things with leaders, for it is the rule. Later, in an accident analysis meeting, the same foreigner, not forgetting the Chinese rules, opened his speech with the following prologue, " With the loving care from the Bureau leadership , and under the command of the company leaders in person..." The whole audiences were utterly stunned. Dean of China Foreign Affairs University, Mr. Wu Jianmin, who has served as an ambassador for many years, cited an example; Speaking of China’s reform and opening up, there is difficulty for foreigners to understand. Wu said, "China’s discourse system is beyond the understanding of the Westerners, so we have to use the expression which they can perceive to be able to communicate with them. " No matter it is the translation of a recipe or a Peking opera or a jargon, the problem usually does not lie in the language itself, but in cultural differences instead.

