《长生殿》剧情介绍 唐明皇(685—762,712—756在位)心爱的宠妃杨玉环,不但娇羞动人,更娴熟音律,入宫即得三千宠爱在一身。玉环不仅得宠,杨氏一门也尽得提拔。兄长杨国忠位列丞相,却穷奢极欲纳贿专权。神仙嫦娥知明皇通识乐理,将梦中的玉环召唤至

admin2016-09-27  20

问题     《长生殿》剧情介绍


答案An Introduction to The Palace of External Youth Yang Yuhuan, the favorite concubine of Emperor Li Longji(685—762,712—756)of the Tang Dynasty, was an exquisite and inspiring woman, who was adept in composing music. And the emperor devoted whole-hearted love to Yuhuan after she became a concubine. All her family members also got promoted. Yang Guozhong, her elder brother, though as an imperial chancellor, yet was extremely extravagant, took bribes and acted arbitrarily. Having known that the emperor had a good knowledge of music, Chang’e, the god of the moon, asked Yuhuan to go to the moon palace in her dream and imparted the heavenly music to her. After that, Yuhuan composed the music by virtue of her memory. Then she cooperated with the emperor to reproduce the heavenly music. As Yuhuan loved to eat litchi, the emperor sent officials forth to bring litchi from the south in no time. When the officers rode horse to the capital to send litchi, they did a great damage to the crops. Thus the peasants rose in revolt. One the night of Double Seventh Day, Yuhuan and the Emperor took an oath of love with the witness of Cowherd and the Girl Waver above the Milky Way. However, their sweet time in the Tang Palace turned into a flash in the pan because of a riot. Faced with that, the Emperor could not save the destiny of Yuhuan. After squashing the riot, the emperor ordered someone to carve the statue of Yuhuan with sandalwood in order to express his yearn and regret. Though died, Yuhuan got assistance from the god of land and the weaver girl also felt sympathy for her. Under the help of Chang’e, the weaver girl and other gods, Yuhuan and the emperor finally reunited in the moon palace on the mid-autumn day and lived together forever.

