A、He finds her suggestion hard to accept. B、He considers her suggestion unreasonable. C、He is willing to accept her suggestion.

admin2012-12-13  24

M: I’m very obliged to attend the meeting, otherwise I’d rather go with you to the concert.
W: I’m sorry you can’t. Your favorite band will be playing then. Maybe I can record the music for you.
Q: Where is the woman going?
W: Don’t smoke any more. It will do harm to your health. I have told you so many times.
M: Yes, what you said is quite reasonable. But I couldn’t resist the temptation to smoke. I feel really relaxed when I smoke.
Q: What does the man think of the woman’s suggestion?

选项 A、He finds her suggestion hard to accept.
B、He considers her suggestion unreasonable.
C、He is willing to accept her suggestion.
D、He thinks her suggestion worth considering.


解析 对话中,女士叫男士不要再抽烟了,抽烟有害健康,男士知道女士说得很对,但是他没法抗拒烟草的诱惑,而且在抽烟的时候他确实感到很放松。因此,对于女士的建议,男士虽知道有道理却无法照办,故选A。
