" Abortion is a personal issue. No one actually knows what they would do until they are actually in a position to have to decide

admin2019-11-11  1

问题    " Abortion is a personal issue. No one actually knows what they would do until they are actually in a position to have to decide. I am not saying I am for or against abortion. What I AM for is a women’s right to decide for herself. No group, organization, or political party has the right to decide for her. This should not be a political issue. The far right wingers feel they have the right to cram their beliefs down everyone’s throats. These are the same people you see standing in front of abortions clinics screaming at the women going in. The more insane of them kill abortion doctors in the name of their God. Ironically, these are the same people who tell a woman she HAS to bear a child, yet go out of their way to vote down funding for the healthcare and food she is going to need to give that child a decent life. "
   Comment 1:
   It is the right of the woman to decide. If it’s made illegal, the women wanting it will get it one way or the other placing their lives in jeopardy. Thousands of illegal "clinics" will pop up charging them excessive fees.
   Comment 2:
   In religious circles, we are endowed with "free will. " I may disagree with you, but you are in control of your own destiny. Morally, abusing, mutilating or killing any being for an unjustifiable reason, is never right.
   Comment 3:
   As to the rightness—I believe an unborn baby is no less of a person than any other person: but I also understand that there are times when a doctor must make the tough decision to lose one life to save another. It is those who view abortion as an acceptable birth control plan who I feel are wrong.
   Comment 4:
   Human life begins at awareness of self. Abortion is up to the individual. It shouldn’t dominate polities since it is a right of the individual WOMAN to choose.
   Comment 5:
   How do you feel about all of the children parents kill with their bare hands, or the hundreds of children laying alone in orphanages? Why aren’t all of those fighting against freedom of choice not going and saving those kids? Is eradicating a few cells that a soul hasn’t even entered into really such a terrible thing in comparison?
   Comment 6:
   There was a time earlier in my life when I decided that the Catholic approach was the right one. That is how I became a parent, unintentionally. As a parent for almost 14 years now, I know that everyone is NOT well suited for the job. Like everything else about this particular issue, there is no absolute truth that we can see.
   Comment 7:
   I believe it is legally sanctioned murder, especially late term abortions that are sometimes minutes or seconds from being infanticide.
In which comment one’s personal experience is used to illustrate the writer’s view?

选项 A、Comment 4.
B、Comment 5.
C、Comment 6.
D、Comment 7.


解析     细节题。首先要读懂题目,把握题目的关键点。本题问的是哪个评论中作者引用了个人的经历来阐述自己的观点;本题的关键词是personal experience。只有评论6中,作者通过讲述自己如何成为父母的经历来说明不是每个人都适合为人父母的,因此正确答案是C选项。
