我们参观博物馆时,常会看到各种古代铜镜——古代人用来整容的家庭日用品。这些铜镜大多是从古墓中出土的、也有少数是传世之物。 早在公元前11世纪,先民已经使用铜镜了。战国时期,铜镜在民间盛行。镜的正面磨光发亮,背面饰单层或双层花纹,常见的有兽面纹、花叶

admin2019-04-11  106

问题     我们参观博物馆时,常会看到各种古代铜镜——古代人用来整容的家庭日用品。这些铜镜大多是从古墓中出土的、也有少数是传世之物。


答案Whenever we visit a museum, we see various types of ancient bronze mirrors. Used as a household necessity for dressing by the ancient Chinese people, these bronze mirrors were mostly unearthed from ancient tombs, while some are kept as heirlooms. Our ancestors started to use bronze mirrors in as early as the 11th century B. C. During the Warring States Period, bronze mirrors prevailed among the populace. The front side of the mirrors, after being polished, glistens while the backside is embellished with single-layered or double-layered patterns, among which the commonly seen are thus— of animal faces, flowers and leaves, dragons and phoenixes. During the Western Han Period, the bronze mirrors used to be relatively thick and heavy. Most of the decorative patterns were of geometrical forms, supernatural figures, or fowls and animals, accompanied by inscriptions of only three or four characters with such meanings as "eternal love" , "never to forget" , "wealth for ever" and "everlasting happiness". The content frequently dealt with common well-wishings. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties the bronze mirrors appeared in all shapes: round, rectangular, rhomboidal, octagonal, and those with a handle. Since the Qing Dynasty, however, the bronze mirror has gradually given way to the glass mirror.

