
admin2013-12-03  40

问题  事由:假设你是陈红,你上个月出差到重庆受到了Tony公司总经理王先生的热情款待,使你有宾至如归的感觉,不仅非常顺利地完成了公司交给的任务,还游览了重庆的很多名胜古迹,品尝了重庆的很多特色美食,现在专门写信对其表示感谢之情,同时邀请他到你的家乡上海做客。
   Words for reference:
   热情:hospitality    宾至如归:feel at home    名胜古迹:place of interest


答案Mar. 1 th 2007 Dear, Mr. Wang I hope you are well. I am writing this letter to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your kindness to me when I was on business in Chongqing last month. You made me really feel at home. Thank you so much. With your help, I not only accomplish my task, but also visited many places of interest in Chongqing and had many delicious foods, especially the hot pot. I really had a very good time there, and I will never forget that. I really hope that you can come to visit my hometown, Shanghai; I will try my best to make your journey a pleasant one. I am looking forward to hearing your reply. Yours sincerely, Chen Hong

