Read the following passage. At its peak, the Roman Empire ruled much of the Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Roman territo

admin2022-09-29  58

问题     Read the following passage.
    At its peak, the Roman Empire ruled much of the Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Roman territories were protected by groups of soldiers called legions. Rome’s Ninth Legion, which was made up of as many as 5,000 soldiers, was based in Britain until at least 108 A.D. But after that year, there are no records of the Ninth Legion’s existence. Scholars have suggested a few theories about what happened to the Ninth Legion. Each theory involves a different location.
    Around the time when the Ninth Legion disappeared from history, there were fierce rebellions against Roman rule in today’s Scotland. The Roman emperor was greatly concerned about keeping the area under his control. It is quite possible that he sent the Ninth Legion, one of his best legions, there. In that effort, the legion may have been wiped out by Scottish rebels in battle.
    Other historians believe that the Ninth Legion disappeared in the area of today’s Netherlands. They base that theory on the discovery of a roof tile bearing the symbol of the Ninth Legion. The tile was found on the roof of a Roman fort in the Netherlands that was damaged by rebels sometime around 108 A.D. According to the theory, the Ninth Legion was sent to the area to fight those rebels, and while there, the legion’s soldiers made tiles and repaired the fort’s roof. Eventually the legion lost too many soldiers in battles with the rebels and it was disbanded.
    Some scholars believe that the Ninth Legion was destroyed in the Roman province of Judea, or on the journey there. The Roman imperial government sent the Roman governor of Britain to Judea to help suppress a revolt. The governor may have brought the Britain-based Ninth Legion with him. Either they did not survive the dangerous journey, or they were wiped out in battle once they reached Judea.
    Now listen, to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
    Now answer the following question.
    Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific theories presented in the reading passage.
None of the theories you read about is conclusive. The Ninth Legion’s disappearance remains a mystery.
    First, wiping out an entire legion, especially one as large as the Ninth, would have required a huge battle. Battles between the Scottish rebels and other Roman troops, not the Ninth Legion, left behind archaeological evidence like pieces of broken weapons or equipment. Therefore, if the entire Ninth Legion of 5,000 soldiers was defeated by Scottish rebels, we’d expect to find remains of weapons or equipment belonging to the Ninth Legion on a battlefield somewhere in Scotland, but no such remains have been found.
    Second, the roof tile does not prove that the Ninth Legion was ever in the Netherlands. To make a roof tile, you need a kiln. A kiln is an extremely hot oven that bakes soft clay into hard tile, but no evidence of kilns has been found near the fort, so the roof tiles probably were not made in the Netherlands. They were probably brought from somewhere else. We know that some roof tiles bearing the symbol of the Ninth Legion were made in Britain, so somebody could have transported the tiles from Britain to the Netherlands and anybody could have done that. It didn’t have to be the soldiers from the Ninth Legion.
    Third, it wouldn’t have been very efficient for the Roman governor of Britain to use the Ninth Legion in Judea. Britain was on the western edge of the Roman Empire and Judea was on the eastern edge. If soldiers were needed to suppress a revolt in Judea quickly, the Ninth Legion would not have been the best choice. It would have taken too long to transport so many soldiers and their supplies so far. Other legions in the Roman territories were located closer to Judea. It’s more likely that the governor used one of those more eastern legions.


答案 The lecturer challenges the three theories presented in the reading passage that explain how Rome’s Ninth Legion disappeared from history. The first theory believes that the Ninth Legion was sent to suppress the rebellions in today’s Scotland and was eliminated entirely in battle. But defeating a legion of 5,000 soldiers would have required a huge battle, in which broken weapons belonging to the Ninth Legion would have been left in the battlefield. Since no such remains were found, this theory is unlikely to be true. In the second theory, some historians suggest that the Ninth Legion was disbanded by rebels in today’s Netherlands, where a tile with the symbol of the legion was found on the roof of a Roman fort. Again, no archaeological evidence so far supports this theory. To make tiles, the soldiers would have needed a kiln. Yet no remains of kilns have been found near the fort, which means the tiles could have been transported to the fort from other places. Third, the Judea theory is also insupportable. As Judea and Britain were at the two ends of the Roman Empire, sending soldiers and supplies from one end to the other would have costed too much time and effort. And it would be more efficient to use legions based in the regions closer to Judea to suppress a revolt.

解析     题目:与社交生活相比,工作对个人整体幸福感的影响更大。
    本题是“Agree or Disagree”的题型,题干的论点是与社交生活相比,工作对个人整体幸福感的影响更大。题目较为主观,也不涉及非此即彼的对立,因此可灵活选择立场,除了支持或反对题干论点,还可以提出两者同样重要。范文从支持题干论点出发,给出了几个理由,并在文章最后浅谈对方观点,以彰显全面性和客观性。
