
admin2022-08-12  20

A: Yesterday I had a quite interesting experience. When I was jogging in my neighborhood, I wanted to buy a bottle of water, and I was intrigued by a convenience store with no cashier or staff. There was a QR code on the front door. Once I scanned the code with my phone, the door opened and my phone was hooked to a portal. This portal allowed me to pay just whatever goods I took off from the shelves. It was fantastic. Do you know that?
A: This is amazing. But how does the app identify what products you’ve taken from the shelves? And if you decide to put something back, will it be removed from your cart?
A: Awesome. I think I am never going back to the supermarket again. I hate being stuck in long lines, especially when people in front of me have loads of things to check out and I just have a few items. Therefore, I think those stores will definitely disrupt the current supermarket industry and hurt many cashiers’ jobs.


答案A:昨天我经历了一件很有意思的事情。我在小区附近慢跑,然后想买瓶水,一家没有收银员也没有员工的便利店勾起了我的好奇心。便利店门上有一个二维码。扫描二维码后门自动打开,手机自动进入了一个网站。这个网站可以用于支付从店里拿走的所有商品。真的是非常神奇!你知道此类便利店吗? B: In recent years, everyone is raving about the combination of online and offline retail and cashierless retail, and such concepts are gaining momentum as well. I know these stores and I’ve experienced those myself. As a matter of fact, a retail giant also launched its unique cashierless store brand. In order to go into one of those stores, you have to first download an app on your phone, which will let you pass a turnstile, just like those in the subway station. And once you are in, you’ll see that it’s just like any other grocery stores, even with some prepared food without checkout counter. So, you just take whatever you want and the app will charge you automatically once you’re out. A:这种购物体验也太神奇了。但是手机应用怎么识别你从货架上拿下的是什么商品呢?如果你又把拿下的东西放回去。应用里的购物车也会同步把它删除吗? B: Good questions. There are definitely hard-core technologies involved. When asked the same questions, they would say they have used the latest computer vision system and machine learning software. To put it in laymen’s terms, cameras around the store can recognize all the products on the shelves, and can therefore keep track of them as they are taken or put back on the shelves by the customers. A:太酷了,我以后都不想去超市购物了。排长队真的不好受,尤其当我只需要买几件商品的时候,前面的人却拿着成堆的东西等着结账。那种商店必然会颠覆当下的超市行业,导致很多收银员失业。 B: Exactly, the popularity of them will cause unemployment to cashiers more or less. However, the good news is new jobs will emerge as the old ones are being phased out. For example, the stores still need people to help customers who struggle with the technology, and to prepare food. Thus, so long as the re-employment training can outrun job elimination, we are doing things to control the damage. After all, unemployment has always been an issue in the age of automation.

