
admin2017-06-21  64

问题     一百多年来,汉语经历了重大的变革,没有哪一种语言像它这样成为人们在追逐现代化过程中不断进行修葺的对象。而自19世纪末以来至今,翻译一直都是或者说越来越成为人们修葺汉语的一种重要途径。其中,通过由外语到汉语的翻译产生的“翻译腔”表达方式对汉语的冲击尤其显著。翻译腔是“表达不流畅、不地道的翻译文体”,在很多方面已影响到了汉语的发展态势。


答案 In the recent one hundred years, Chinese has gone through a great change and so far no other language has been innovated in people’s pursuit of modernization. Since the end of the 19th century, translation has always been or played an increasingly important role in innovating Chinese. Some special means of expressions, so-called "translationese", produced during the process of translating foreign language into Chinese, have remarkable impact on standard Chinese language. Translationese refers to an unnatural and unidiomatic language style in translation and has affected the development of Chinese language in many aspects.

解析 1.第一句话叙述了汉语经历了发展变革,建议采用完成时态表达,如译为Chinese has gone through a greatchange…。文章中多次提到“汉语”,可用Chinese或Chinese language表达,避免重复。“修葺”在此处是比喻的说法,指对汉语的一些改革和革新,可译为innovate。
2.第二句中,“越来越成为”不一定要译为more and more,可尝试译为played an increasingly important role,使表达更多样化。
3.第三句谈到“翻译腔”的问题,该问题是在翻译过程中产生的,可对“翻译腔”做一定的解释,如处理为somespecial means of expressions,译文表述更清晰。翻译整句话时,可将“翻译腔”提前做主语,“通过由外语到汉语的翻译产生的”处理为后置定语。“冲击”可用have an impact表达,注意其后应与介词on搭配。
4.最后一句中,“不流畅,不地道的”可译为unnatural and unidiomatic,“翻译文体”不宜直译为translation style,因该词并不属于专有名词,可使用文字加以解释说明,如处理为language style in translation。“在很多方面”可译为in many aspects。
