A、She likes everything in London. B、She likes many things in London except its weather. C、She doesn’t like the place at all. D、S

admin2009-05-28  17

M: So you don’t like very much about London.
W: Oh. I do. I love the people; they are so friendly. And I like the television programs there; they are very interesting. However, I don’t like the weather.
M: The weather?
W: Yes, the spring is always so wet, which really annoys me.
M: Oh.
W: And the fog. I’ ye lost my way for several times to the heavy fog.
M: That’s a problem. How about other season in London?
W: Well, in summer and autumn, London is a nice place to stay. It’s very cool.
M: How about in winter?
W: In winter, London is very cold. But it’s a good chance to enjoy the view of snow.
6. What does the woman think about London?

选项 A、She likes everything in London.
B、She likes many things in London except its weather.
C、She doesn’t like the place at all.
D、She likes the weather in London best.


解析 从Speaker 2所说的话“I love the people...And I like the television programs there...However,I don’t like the weather.”即可推断出她对伦敦的印象如何,所以选项B符合题意。
