You are going to read a list of headings and a text about the problem of staff recruitment of most companies. Choose a heading f

admin2013-06-10  21

问题     You are going to read a list of headings and a text about the problem of staff recruitment of most companies. Choose a heading from the list A—F that best fits the meaning of each numbered part of the text (41—45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There are one extra heading that you do not need to use. (10 points)

    The difficulty of holding onto good, experienced staff has always been a major issue with the majority of companies. High staff turnover can result in many problems. One of the most serious of these is the cost of continually having to find and train replacements.
    Most companies hope to recruit the right type of person in the first place. However, too much emphasis on qualifications and not enough on personality often leads to a company attracting the right standard. but not the right kind, of person. Selection tests can be used to indicate a candidate’s suitability for the job they are applying for. They can also be used to identify existing staff who are suitable but who, initially, may not have been considered.
    It is important for companies to understand why employees move on to another employer. The reasons for staff resigning and the benefits offered by their new employer must be recorded. They can be the key to identifying any problem areas that might exist within an organization. It is essential, therefore, that employees who are about to disappear are interviewed before they depart, in order to discover why they are leaving.
    Analysis of these interviews has shown that a lack of appreciation is one of the main factors causing employees to look elsewhere for work. Managers should provide regular feedback to their staff. For example, when good work has been done it must be praised. If this is not done, employees will think their efforts are not appreciated.
    Communications within the organization are another consideration. If these are poor, employees will feel left out. This can be avoided through regular departmental and inter-departmental meetings, which are extremely valuable as means of passing on information throughout the company and keeping employees up to date with recent developments. They also serve to provide the opportunity for employees to express their opinions.
    Paying staff according to how they perform is another way of recognizing employee’s efforts. If the company benefits from an employee’s extra efforts, it is only reasonable that the employee should also receive some financial benefit. It is, however, important to avoid offering some member of staff the opportunity to improve their pay while excluding others. The reasons for staff resigning and the benefits offered by their new employer must be recorded.
    In cases where such difficulties might exist, a planned career progression for an individual staff member means that the person knows exactly what to expect from the job and what is required from them

A. appreciation as the main factor
B. selection tests help in recruitment
C. praise the men who act well
D. to know why employees leave
E. reasonable reward and fair treatment
F. exchanges inside the company



解析 该题所在的是文章的第2段,通读本段可知其使用了偏正结构进行阐述,因而重点在于后半段,而从"Selection tests can be used to...also can be used to..."可以看出这里的主要强调的是选拔测试的作用。理解本段的论述重点后我们根据关键词Selection tests对五个选项进行筛选,可发现B项恰好与之对应,由此可见本题的正确答案为B。
