
admin2014-12-05  88

问题     就中国人而言,对秦始皇兵马俑,我们有无限的赞叹,对于万里长城我们有无限的自豪。但对于我们的无形遗产、曾经塑造了我们民族精神的——儒家、道家文化,我们却知之甚少。传统中的视个人道德为人生的最高价值所在,已在“现代生活”中成为笑谈。我们不仅在生活方式上盲目地追求西方,不仅说着写着已经欧化的句子,而且在文学、历史、哲学这些人文学科领域里,到处用着西方的理论、术语。我们这里并不是反对西方的东西,西方的这些理论都是世界文化遗产的一分子,我们也应该加以保护和继承。但是,一个民族之所以成其为一个民族,必须有其自身的东西。我们应该认真地研读和思考本民族的文化典籍,在继承与更新中把其中所铭刻的文化脉络延续下去。


答案As Chinese, we marvel at Emperor Qin’ s terra-cotta warriors and horses and take pride in the Great Wall. However, we know little of the invisible legacy—the culture of Confucianism and Taoism, which has molded our national spirit. It has become a joke in "modern life" to consider individual morality the highest value of life. We not only follow blindly the west in lifestyle and speak and write Europeanized sentences, but also adopt western theories and terms in the fields of humanities such as literature, history and philosophy. We do not mean to deny western things that should also be protected and inherited, for all the western theories are part of the world cultural heritage. Nevertheless, only with something unique that belongs to its own a nation can be called a nation. We should study and think over carefully national cultural classics to carry their cultural essence forward by inheritance and innovation.

