
admin2012-06-26  33

问题     在中国,拿硕士学位通常需要三年时间。第一年积累足够的学分后,学生接着在后两年完成毕业论文。论文要有一定学术价值,还要反映学生的科研能力。人们越来越重视学术诚信,这将有助于提高科学界的道德标准。


答案It usually takes three years to get a master’s degree in China. After accumulating (Having accumulated) enough credits in the first year, students will proceed (go on) to complete (finish) a thesis in the last two years. Not only does this thesis have to be of some academic value, but reflect (embody/demonstrate) the student’s ability for (to do) scientific research. The increasing weight (emphasis) placed on academic integrity (honesty) will contribute to higher moral standards in the scientific community.

解析     1.第一句不能使用spend来翻译,该词表示“把时间花在……上”,没有是否完成的含义,如I spent most of the day watching TV。前面已经说过“做……需要……时间”或“用……完成……”只能选用take,不存在与spend互换的可能性。也就是说,无法用这两个词表达相同的意义,与什么充当主语无关。此外,用take时句型很灵活,下面这些句子的表达都是正确的,而且意义相同:
    It took me nearly two weeks to write this thesis.
    It took nearly two weeks for me to write this thesis.
    This thesis took me nearly two weeks to write.
    I took nearly two weeks to write this thesis.
    Writing this thesis took me nearly two weeks.
    2.翻译“接着”时可选用proceed或go to do something,不选用continue的理由是该词表示“继续”相同的动作,并不是完成某一动作后又做另一个。
    3.“有学术价值”也可翻译为be academically valuable。应掌握be of something句型的使用特点。除了常接importance、significance、benefit、interest、value之外,还可接下列量词:
    如:be of the same size面积相同
    be of various lengths长度不一
    be of average intelligence中等智力水平
    be of a very poor education level文化水平低
    be of roughly equal complexity几乎同样复杂
    如:be of three kinds分三类
    be of the same species属于同一物种
    be of the same origin出处相同
    be of religious nature属于宗教性质
    4.翻译“越来越”时尽量避免more and more,原因是中国学生动辄就说more and more,外教深有感触。可首选increasing或increasingly,如become increasingly popular(越来越流行),其次是growing、mounting、rising。有些动词可表示“越来越”,如:
    a widening gap.差距越来越大。
    The gap is narrowing.差距越来越小。
    His influence is diminishing.他的影响越来越小。
    The desert is spreading.沙漠越来越大。
    The price is surging.价格越来越高。
    5.“重视”可翻译为give weight to。
    the international community国际社会
    get involved in community activities参与社区活动
    a language community语言团体
    the scientific community科学界
    individuals and communities个人与集体
