A、To save the money for a long time. B、To buy a new car. C、To purchase a used car. D、To get a second car. BW: I can’t decide whe

admin2009-08-19  29


选项 A、To save the money for a long time.
B、To buy a new car.
C、To purchase a used car.
D、To get a second car.


解析 W: I can’t decide whether to buy a new car or try to find a second-hand one.
M: If you buy a new one, you’ll probably save money in the long run.
Q: What does the man suggest to the woman?
综合推断题。男士认为从长远看买新车省钱,所以他建议女士买新车,故选B。run 作名同时的常用短语:①at a run跑着,如:I started off at a run but soon tired and slowed to walk. 我跑步出发,但很快就累了,最后只能走路了。②the common/general/ordinary run普通的类型或等级,如:a school out of the ordinary run较好的学校。③On the run奔跑,忙碌,如:He’s on the run all day all day and he’s exhausted.他整天疲于奔命。probably在表示可能性时语气比possibly强,强调有根据、合情合理、含有很大的可能性,如:I will probably succeed. 我很可能成功。
