
admin2017-03-30  42

问题 2014年6月10日,甲公司向乙公司购买一批商品,向乙公司开出一张100万元的商业汇票以支付货款,出票人为甲公司,付款人为丙公司,汇票的粘单上有丁、戊两公司的保证签章,其中丁公司保证80万元,戊公司保证20万元,同时在票据的、枯单上记载“保证人只承担一般保证责任”。由于疏忽,甲公司在出票时未记载付款日期。


答案(1)丙公司拒付理由不成立。根据规定,汇票未记载付款日期视为见票即付,见票即付的票据无需提示承兑。见票即付的汇票提示付款期限为自出票之日起1个月内。故本题的汇票提示付款期是2014年6月10日至2014年7月9日。 (2)庚公司发出追索通知的时间合理。根据规定,持票人应当自收到被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明之日起3日内,将被拒绝事由书面通知其前手。本题中庚公司于7月5日取得拒付证明,7月7日发出追索通知,符合规定。 ②庚公司要求乙公司清偿的金额和费用不符合规定。根据规定,持票人行使追索权可以请求被追索人支付下列款项:被拒绝付款的汇票金额;汇票金额自到期日或者提示付款日起至清偿日止,按照中国人民银行规定的利率计算的利息;取得有关拒绝证明和发出通知书的费用。本题中,庚公司除了要求乙公司支付上述金额外,还要求乙公司支付因汇票金额被拒绝支付而导致的利润损失,不符合规定。 (3)丁、戊两公司拒绝承担保证责任的理由不成立。根据规定,被保证的汇票,保证人应当与被保证人对持票人承担连带责任,汇票到期后得不到付款的,持票人有权向保证人请求付款,保证人应当足额付款;保证人为2人以上的,保证人之间承担连带责任;保证不得附有条件,附有条件的不影响对汇票的保证责任。本题中,丁、戊两公司均为保证人,应与被保证人甲公司一同对持票人乙公司承担连带责任,票据上附有的保证条件“保证人只承担一般保证责任”无效,不影响保证人对汇票的保证责任。 Correct answers: (1)Reason for Bing Company to refuse to make payment is not established.According to provisions,bill of exchange doeS not have specified date,which is seemed as payable at sight,payable at sight of bill of exchange without prompt acceptance.Where a bill of exchange is drawn payable at sight,the holder thereof shall present the bill to the drawee for acceptance within one month after the date of issue. (2)①The time of the notice to recourse issued by Geng Company is reasonable.According To provisions,the holder shall,within three days after receiving the relevant evidence of non-acceptance or non-payment,notify his prior parties in writing of the fact of dishonor.In this case,Geng Company obtains certificate protest on 5th July,notice to recourse was issued on 7th July,which was in compliance with provision. ②The liquidated amount which required by Geng Company to Yi Company is not incompliance with provisions.According to provisions,when exercising the right of recourse,the holder may demand the person against whom the right of recourse is exercised to pay the following sun-i:amount of the draft dishonored;draft amount from the due date or the date Of presentment for payment thereof to the date of liquidat ion。According to the regulations of the people’S bank of China’S interest rate of interest:obtain relevant evidence of dishonor and expense of issuing notification.In this case,except Geng Company asks Yi Company pay the above amount,and asks Yi Company pay profit loss due to the amount of the draft to be refused to pay.which is not compliance with provision. (3)The reasons of Ding and Wu Company refused to accept the guarantee liability are not established.According to provisions,a guarantor shall undertake several liability together with the guaranteed for the draft under guarantee,where payment is not made at the maturity of such bill,the holder is entitled to demand payment ftom the guarantor and the latter shall pay the bill in full;where there are two or more guarantors,they shall undertake joint and severalliability;the guarantycannot attach any conditions thereto,an guaranty to which a condition is attached is not affect the liability of guaranty for the draft.In this case,Ding and Wu Company are guarantors,shall undertake several liability together with the guaranteed J ia Company for the draft under guarantee Yi Company,the bill of exchange with guarantee conditions‘the guarantor assumes the general guarantee liability only is invalid,does not affect the guarantee responsibility of bill of exchange.

