The old idea that child prodigies "burn themselves" or "overtax their brains" in the early years, therefore, are prey to failure

admin2020-11-14  32

问题    The old idea that child prodigies "burn themselves" or "overtax their brains" in the early years, therefore, are prey to failure and (at worst) mental illness is just a myth. As a matter of fact, the outstanding thing that happens to bright children is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.
   To find this out, 1, 500 gifted persons were followed up to their thirty-fifth year with these results.
   On adult intelligence tests, they scored as high as they did as children. They were, as a group, in good health, physically and mentally. Eighty-four percent of their group were married and seemed content with their life.
   About 70 percent had graduated from colleges, though only 30 percent had graduated with honors. A few had even flunked out (退学) , but nearly half of these had returned to graduate.
   Of the men, 80 percent were in one of the professions or in business, managers or semi-professional jobs. The women who had remained single had offices, business, or professional occupations.
   The group had published 90 books and 1, 500 articles in scientific, scholarly, and literary magazines and had collected more than 100 patents.
   In a material way they didn’ t do badly either. Average income was considerably higher among the gifted people, especially the men, than for the country as a whole, despite their comparative youth when last surveyed.
   In fact, far from being strange, maladjusted (难以适应) people locked in an ivory tower, most of the gifted were turning their early promises into practical reality.
Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

选项 A、Each of the gifted published at least one article.
B、Only half of the talented followed up graduated from all the colleges.
C、Most of the bright children became white collars.
D、Bright men got higher income than bright women.


解析 选项A“每位天才至少发表过一篇文章”支持不充分,根据文章第六段“The group had published 90 books and 1,500 articles in scientific,scholarly,and literary magazines…”并未说每一位都发表过,排除A;选项B“受调查的人当中只有一半取得了大学毕业文凭”与文章第四段“About 70 percent had graduated from colleges”描述不符,排除B;选项D“聪明的男性比聪明的女性收入要高”在原文中并未提及,故可排除;选项C“大多数神童长大后成为了白领阶层中的一员”,根据文章第四段“Of the men,80 percent were in one of the professions or in business,managers or semi-professional jobs.The women who had remained single had offices,business,or professional occupations.”推出,因为上述职业基本上都属于白领阶层,所以正确答案为C。
