It is of course true that in a certain sense the individual is predestined to talk, but that is due entirely to the circumstanc

admin2017-06-15  15

问题     It is of course true that in a certain sense the individual is
predestined to talk, but that is due entirely to the circumstance,
that is, he is born not merely in nature, but in the lap of a society
that is certain, reasonably certain, to lead him to their traditions.【S1】______
Eliminate society and it is every reason to believe that he will【S2】______
learn to walk, and, indeed, he will survive at all. But it is just
as certain as that he will never learn to talk, that is, to【S3】______
communicate ideas according to the tradition system of a【S4】______
particular society. Or, again, remove the newborn individual
from the social environment into which he has come and
transplant him to an utterly alien one. He will develop the art of
walking in his new environment very much as he will have【S5】______
developed it in the old. But his speech will completely at variance【S6】______
with the speech of his native environment. Walking, then, is a
general human activity that varies only within circumscribed limits
as we pass from individual to individual. Its variability is voluntary【S7】______
and purposeless. Speech is a human activity that varies without
assignable limit as we pass from social group to social group,
because it is a pure historical heritage of the group, the product of【S8】______
long-continued social usage. It varies as all creative effort varies—
not as consciously, perhaps, but none the less as truly as do the
religions, the beliefs, the customs, and the arts of different people.【S9】______
Walking is an organic, an instinctive function(not, of course,
itself an instinct); speech is a non-instinctive, acquiring,【S10】______
"cultural" function.



解析 介词冗余。此句中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句,此处as certain后面省略了as that he will learn to walk。不能把it理解成指代前面的那句话,因为上文已经表明了“我们肯定他将学会走路”,因此去掉第二个as。这两句话的意思是“离开社会,我们有充分的理由相信他将学会走路并确实能生存下去。但是,我们同样肯定他将永远学不会交谈,即根据一个社会的传统体系来表达思想的能力。”
