A、recruiting. B、productivity. C、the workforce. D、administration. C

admin2013-04-13  27

Interviewer: On the matter of employer-employee relations, we read a lot and hear a lot about.., uh... union problems and strikes...
Interviewee: Well, I think that.., probably, the.., uh... speaking of it from an employer’s standpoint, the easiest thing for an employer to do would be to join a union. Now this might seem...
Interviewer:  From an employer’s.., uh...
Interviewee: From an employer’s standpoint. The reason is that you have the security of never having to worry about having employees. Uh... you’d be meeting a...
Interviewer:  Uh-huh...
Interviewee: ... a certain criterion because the unions set the criteria for the people that work--their salaries, their fringe benefits, and so on.
Interviewer: And you.., you probably have one outfit to deal with, rather than...
Interviewee: That’s correct. So you.., from tile employee standpoint, of course, you have the problem that the employee is... is a captive to a set of criteria...
Interviewer: Uh-huh.
Interviewee: ... and his freedom is greatly reduced because of the fact that.., that his bargaining agent is someone else--it’s not himself.
Interviewer: He’s no longer in an individual-to-employer situation...
Interviewee: That is correct.
Interviewer: Is it a trade-off.., uh... to a certain extent? I mean, uh...
Interviewee: Well, my feeling is ... one of the nice things about working for a small business which is non-union, you have a higher degree of freedom. And that it’s much easier from the employee’s standpoint.., uh... to be able to negotiate one-to-one, than to work through a shop steward, or... or a union agent that tells you what you’re going to do...
Interviewer: Uh-huh...
Interviewee: And so... uh ... that’s one of the great advantages of a small business-- because most of them are non-union, and they have survived in the country...
Interviewer: Uh-huh...
Interviewee: ... and.., and it’s those people that are really independent that have made this country go. But when you become a captive to any big organization-- whether it’s a corporation, a union or a government--you just absolutely lose your freedom.

选项 A、recruiting.
C、the workforce.


