There is mounting evidence that the frequency and magnitude of landsliding is changing in many parts of the world in response to

admin2021-03-28  19

问题     There is mounting evidence that the frequency and magnitude of landsliding is changing in many parts of the world in response to climate change. This is not surprising, given that precipitation is one of the two external triggering mechanisms—the other being seismic activity—involved in the formation of landslides. Evidence from the past clearly indicates that cycles of elevated landslide activity have been followed by cycles of low activity, and that these are correlated with climate fluctuations over a variety of timescales.
    What sets current changes in landslide activity apart is the likely influence of anthropogenic [i.e., human-caused] factors, either acting alone or in concert with climate, which can further modify the process of landsliding and the nature of ecosystem responses. Among these factors, deforestation and land-use change have the potential to influence the frequency and magnitude of landsliding because of their direct effects on vegetation attributes that influence slope stability. The extent and conditions under which mountain ecosystems are resilient to thes changes—that is, the amount of disturbance they can absorb before changing into states with different structure and function—are not known. Addressing this issue is crucial for the long-term conservation of mountainscapes.
The author of the passage suggests which of the following about the role of human factors in landsliding activity?

选项 A、Human factors can intensify or alter the effects of climate change on landsliding activity.
B、It is likely that human factors affect landsliding activity more than climate change does.
C、Until recently, human factors did not have much impact on landsliding activity.


解析 根据第二段第一句,人为因素会单独或和气候一起对山体滑坡起作用。注意整篇文章都没有说人为因素一定会协助气候因素,其实也有可能削弱气候因素,因此选项A的intensify or alter用得很严谨。C项这个选项需要注意文章的时间对比。第一段讲的是过去的证据表明过去的山体滑坡由气候和地震导致,第二段开头“目前山体滑坡活动的改变可能是人为的因素”,因此人为因素是近期才开始起作用的,所以选项C正确。B项从文中我们只能看出来人为因素会影响山体滑坡,但是没有提及和气候因素相比谁更重要。
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