A、It would be more fun without Mr. Whitehead hosting. B、It has too many acts to hold the audience’s attention. C、It is the most

admin2022-10-10  102

M: Do you feel like going out tonight?
W: Yeah, why not? We haven’t been out for ages. What’s on?
M: Well, there’s a film about climate change. Does it sound good to you?
W: Oh, not really. It doesn’t really appeal to me. What’s it about? Just climate change?
M: I think it’s about how climate change affects everyday life. I wonder how they make it entertaining.
W:Well, it sounds really awful. It’s an important subject, I agree, but I’m not in the mood for anything depressing. What else is on?
M: There’s a Spanish Dance Festival.
W: Oh, I love dance. That sounds really interesting.
M: Apparently, it’s absolutely brilliant. Let’s see what it says in the paper. "Anna Gomez leads in an exciting production of the great Spanish love story, Carmen. "
W: OK, then, what time is it on?
M:  At 7:30.
W: Well, that’s no good. We haven’t got enough time to get there. Is there anything else?
M: There’s a comedy special on.
W: Where’s it on?
M: It’s at the City Theatre.  It’s a charity comedy night with lots of different acts.  It looks pretty good. The critic in the local paper says it’s the funniest thing he’s ever seen. It says here "Roger Whitehead is an amazing host to a night of fun performances."
W: Mm... I’m not keen on him. He’s not very funny.
M: Are you sure you fancy going out tonight? You are not very enthusiastic.
W: Perhaps you are right. Okay, let’s go see the dance. But tomorrow, not tonight.
M: Great. I’ll book the tickets online.
8.  What does the woman think of climate change?
9.  Why do the speakers give up going to the Spanish Dance Festival tonight?
10.  What does the critic say about the comedy performed at the City Theatre?

选项 A、It would be more fun without Mr. Whitehead hosting.
B、It has too many acts to hold the audience’s attention.
C、It is the most amusing show he has ever watched.
D、It is a show inappropriate for a night of charity.


解析 事实细节题。对话中,男士告知女士城市剧院今晚有喜剧特别节目,评论员在当地报纸上说这是他看过的最有趣的表演。
